10 pages, Sustainable livestock farming practices have the potential to improve productivity and high income, reduce greenhouse gases, and improve household food security. Despite previous efforts to disseminate these technologies, the rate of adoption has remained very low in Ethiopia. In this study, we investigate the determinants of adoption and the impact of improved dairy farming practices (IDFP), which include improved breed, improved feed, and improved feeding conditions, on household food security in the central highland of Ethiopia.
15 pages, Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an important challenge in public health. Ensuring rational antimicrobial use (AMU) on farms is one of the key components of antimicrobial stewardship. We aimed to describe a sample of Canadian dairy farmers’ personal factors for AMUand their AMR risk perception, and to associate these factors with their attitude toward promotion of prudent AMU. We distributed an online survey among dairy farmers in Ontario and Atlantic Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island). The questionnaire was designed to solicit information on dairy farmers’ AMU decision-making process, attitudes toward AMU reduction, awareness of AMR, and individual values. We performed a factor analysis on 15 statements related to AMR awareness and AMU reduction and used a logistic regression model to identify variables associated with the probability of disagreeing with the need to increase promotion of responsible AMU in the dairy industry. Respondents’ (n = 193) previous experience was the main reason to select an antimicrobial treatment for their cattle. We identified four groups of factors related to knowledge, risk perception, and emotional states among respondents. To the question “Should there be more initiatives to promote responsible use of antibiotics in the dairy industry?” 23% of respondents answered no, which was associated in a logistic regression model with being a farm owner, having a tie-stall barn, and considering their own experience as the most important factor in selecting antimicrobial treatments. The score for the conservation value dimension and score for a factor described as sense of responsibility when using antimicrobials were also retained in the final model. Our results indicate that tailored strategies to promote prudent AMU on dairy farms may be preferable to a generic strategy because there are individual differences in attitudes, values, and AMR awareness that shape AMR risk perception and willingness to modify current AMU practices.
6 pages., (Special Issue from the 17th International Nitrogen Workshop), Via online Journal, Substantial improvements of agricultural systems are necessary to meet the future requirements of humanity.
However, current agricultural knowledge and information systems are generally not well suited to meet the
necessary improvements in productivity and sustainability. For more effective application of research output,
research producers and research consumers should not be considered as separate individuals in the knowledge
chain but as collaborating partners creating synergy. The current paper investigates the relationships between
scientists and stakeholders and identifies approaches to increase the effectiveness of their communication.
On-farm research has proven to be an effective means of improving exploitation of research output at farm level
because it connects all relevant partners in the process. Furthermore, pilot farms can act as an effective platform
for communication and dissemination. Regional networks of pilot farms should be established and connected
across regions