2 pages, For years agroecologists have warned that industrial agri-culture became too narrow ecologically, highly dependent on outside inputs, and extremely vulnerable to insect pests, diseases, climate change and now as demonstrated by the COVID19 pandemic prone to a complete shut down by unforeseen crisis.Like never before, COVID19 has revealed how closely linked human, animal and ecological health are. As a power-ful systemic approach, agroecology reveals that the way we practice agriculture can provide opportunities for improv-ing environmental and human health, but if done wrongly, agriculture can cause major risks to health.
Anh, Dao The (author), Jaenicke, Hannah (author), and Nghiep, Pham Cong (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D00790
Paper presented at the 116th European Association of Agricultural Economists seminar, "Spacial dynamics in agri-food systems: implications for sustainability and consumer welfare," Parma, Italy, October 27-30, 2010. Via AgEcon Search. 11 pages.
AgComm Teaching, Among the introductory observations about development development: "The experience in Africa has been rather pathetic. It is being discovered that mobilization of the masses for popular participation in decision making is easier said than done."
Pages 53-54 in Review of Extension Research, January through December 1957. Information Sheet 540, Mississippi Agricultural Experiment Station, Mississippi State University, State College. 1956.