19 pages., Online via UI e-subscription, Researchers examined the effectiveness of descriptive norm cues in the context of green advertising for large grocery chains through the lens of the persuasion knowledge model. "Results suggested that green advertising might be more productive if retailers frame their messages without descriptive norm cues and reliance on whether they are seen as 'green' (Whole Foods) or 'non green' (Wal-Mart)."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 34 Document Number: D10690
Claude W. Gifford Collection. PACER Project., Claude W. Gifford Collection. 15 pages., Preliminary results of this national survey research study for the Office of Communication, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Awaiting statistical analysis. Findings are from the National Opinion Research Center survey for PACER.
14 pages., Via online journal., Guided by the theory of reasoned action and social cognitive theory, this study was conducted to better understand how decisions to purchase organic or conventional milk are influenced by norms and attitudes established via human interactions and how those norms and attitudes vary by geographic region. An online Qualtrics survey was used to gain insight into behaviors, attitudes, and interactions of 308 milk consumers in various geographical regions of [State]. The findings indicate that urban, suburban, and rural consumers differ in some ways in their interactions related to milk information, as well as their perceptions of organic versus conventional milk. Based on the findings of the study, differences in personal networks and exposure to certain messaging in varying regions might perpetuate a more positive, confident, and informed view of organic or conventional milk products in some areas more so than others. The researchers recommend using the results of the study to tailor messages to the specific information needs of consumers in urban, suburban, and rural regions of [State].
12 pages., via online journal, We examined how information from multiple communication channels can inform social norms about local food purchasing. The concept of social exposure was used as a guide. Social exposure articulates how information in social, symbolic, and physical environments contributes to normative perceptions. Data was collected from a sample in Wisconsin. Results indicated that information from communication channels representing symbolic, social, and physical environments all contributed to normative perceptions. We also found that for individuals who frequent farmers’ markets, information from some communication channels was relatively less strongly associated with injunctive norms. It may be that when first-hand, experiential information is available to inform norms, individuals rely less on information available through other communication channels. Future work might further explore how farmers’ markets foster information sharing in communities, as such information may contribute to normative perceptions.
Tomazic, Terry J. (author), Ohlendorf, George W. (author), and Jenkins, Quentin A.L. (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
USA: Praeger, Westport, Connecticut.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C37082
See C37075 for original, Pages 87-101 in Ronald C. Wimberley, Craig K. Harris, Joseph J. Molnar and Terry J. Tomazic (eds.), The social risks of agriculture: Americans speak out on food, farming and the environment. Praeger, Westport, Connecticut. 163 pages.
Tomazic, Terry J. (author), Ohlendorf, George W. (author), and Jenkins, Quentin A.L. (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C18460
Pages 87-101 in Ronald C. Wimberley, Craig K. Harris, Joseph J. Molnar and Terry J. Tomazic (eds.), The social risks of agriculture: Americans speak out on food, farming and the environment. Praeger, Westport, Connecticut. 163 pages.
10 pages., Online via UI electronic subscription, Results from analysis of a scale-adjusted stated preference technique (mostly best-worst scaling) showed considerable heterogeneity in consumers' perceptions of trust and choice variability related to use of nanotechnology in food production and packaging. Findings provided insights in the development of risk communication and management.