Via UI Library subscription., Study aimed to provide tools to improve the quality of journalism regarding ethical issues that concern our relationship with nonhuman animals. Explored the role of news media (two years of coverage by the New York Times newspaper, U.S., and El Pais, Spain) in constructing perceptions of nonhumans used for food and their treatment. Results showed that both newspapers played a major role in concealing the nonhumans' cruel treatment, but a distinction can be drawn between the crude speciesism of El Pais and the camouflaged, more deceptive style of the New York Times.
318 pages., Book in the University of Illinois online collection. Search other sources or contact ACDC., Pages 37-51 in Ferguson, D.; Lee, Caroline; and Fisher, Andrew. 2017. Advances in sheep welfare. Woodhead Publishing, Duxford, United Kingdom.
16 pages., Animals, Justice and the Law Part 2., Author offered information and perspectives about development of "Ag-Gag" laws in some states involving the reporting of production and slaughter practices in the meat industry, their effect on society, and limitations of self-regulation.