Brown, Charles (author) and Lehtola, Carol (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 139 Document Number: D05937
CIR 1438, one of a series of Florida AgSafe, a program of the Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville. 9 pages., Guidelines for creating a community-based safety workshop.
Online from publisher., Reports on a first bay-wide effort to protect shorelines from rising water, convening stakeholders to find common ground. Mediator hopes that giving all stakeholders a voice will ensure buy-in, even when talking to each other is optional.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 175 Document Number: C29969
Via Food Systems Insider. 4 pages., Author critiques a government program intended to connect consumers more closely with farmers and food, especially through local sources.
Via online issue. 3 pages., Report on Wendell Berry's remarks for the 2012 Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Speaker suggests appreciating the word "economy" for its original meaning of "household management. ... I mean, not economics, but economy, the making of the human household upon the earth; the arts of adapting kindly the many human households to the earth's many ecosystems and human neighborhoods. This is the economy that the most public and influential economists never talk about, the economy that is the primary vocation and responsibility of every one of us."
Department of Agricultural Journalism, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 159 Document Number: C26022
23 pages., Series of public service advertisements for local banks to use to help develop farms and farming in their communities. Individual ads involve use of pasture lands, dairy feeding, soil building and weed control.
New programme, "Shamba Shape-Up," explores typical problems encountered by smallholder families on the outskirts of Kenya's towns and cities, then brings in a crack team of experts to sort them out.
Online via topical search of UI Online Catalog. Open access., Report of a survey by University of Wisconsin Extension among at-risk populations in Green Bay to determine the prevalence of food insecurity. Authors identify survey results, report a related action plan, and encourage others to initiate a similar process that mobilizes communities to address hunger and food insecurity.
3 pages., Online from publisher website., Following a training course in technology stewardship, actors in the Caribbean's agri-food sector are implementing ICT approaches to provide agricultural advice and support to their local communities
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36258
Retrieved at, Pages 33-64 in Bruce Girard and Sean O. Siochru (eds.), Communicating in the information society, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva, Switzerland. 223 pages.
Hobbs, Daryl (author / Professor of Rural Sociology and the Director of Rural Department, University of Missouri) and Professor of Rural Sociology and the Director of Rural Department, University of Missouri
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 36 Document Number: B03928
copy in ACDC files, In: Chapman, Carol A.; Infanger, Craig L.; Robbins, Lynn W.; and Debertin, David L., eds. Taking computers to the community : prospects and perspectives : Proceedings from the conference held January 12 and 13, 1978; Louisville, Kentucky. Lexington, KY : University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, 1978. p. 41-48
11 pages., Online via journal by open access., Outlined a transdisciplinary research approach to issues of justice and equity in a real-life social conflict concerning the allocation of water for irrigation farming.
Atienza, Tranquilino (author) and Asuncion, Teresita M. (author)
Paper abstract
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D10082
This abstract is maintained in records of the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois > "International" section > "Philippines CARD group" file., Abstract of a research paper presented at the 3rd annual conference of the Communicators for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), Mountain State Agriculture College, La Trinidad, Benquet, Philippines, October 21-24, 1982. Page 12., Deals with efforts of the National Media Production Center to strengthen the local, provincial, regional, and ultimately the national communication networks through a Community Organization Program (COP).
Via UI Library online subscription., Owner of the Hardwick Gazette community newspaper in Vermont describes his experience in seeking a new owner through an essay contest. His quest included confirmation of the importance of community newspapers in their areas of circulation.
12 pages., Online via publication website., Traces the development of the slaughterhouse as a specialized institution through three major periods, beginning in the 18th century. Includes consequences of modern slaughterhouses on cities, small communities, and cultural values, perceptions and tensions.
Dennehy, Niamh (author) and Ruane, Dermot J. (author / National University of Ireland)
Publication Date:
Ireland: Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 133 Document Number: C20241
Burton Swanson Collection, In section G of the "2000 conference proceedings: Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education", 16th Annual Conference, March 29th-April 1st, 2000, Arlington, Virginia, USA