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    2. "IMBY" toolkit

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    3. "It's not natural for them to cooperate." San Francisco Bay towns agree they need to plan together for sea-level rise. The trick is getting them to do it

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    4. "Know your farmer, know your food" is a joke

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    7. "We are all implicated:" Wendell Berry laments a disconnect from community and the land

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    8. "We would have saved her life": mobile telephony in an island village in Papua New Guinea

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    10. "You really ought to give Iowa a try:" tourism, community identity and the impact of popular culture in Iowa

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    11. 'Barefoot radio' brings message of hope to villagers

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    12. 'Culture clash' revisited: newcomer and long-term residents' attitudes toward language, development, and environmental issues in rural communities in the Rocky Mountain West

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    14. 22 community building advertisements

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    15. 30 minute makeover: a new Kenyan tv series uses the makeover principle to show smallholders how to improve their livelihoods

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    16. 81a. Fragments and sentiments: why is "the community" the focus of development?81b. Groundwater resource development in the context of farming systems intensification and changing rainfall regimes: a case study from south east Zimbabwe

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    18. A "Kente" approach to community radio training: weaving training into the community empowerment process

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    19. A Community Development Approach to Environmental Management

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    20. A Methodology for Evaluating Transdisciplinary Collaborations with Diversity in Mind: An Example from the Green Community Development in an Indian Country Initiative

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    22. A Review of Tools for Incorporating Community Knowledge, Preferences, and Values into Decision Making in Natural Resources Management

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    24. A case study of family-owned newspapers adapting and surviving in two rural states

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    25. A communication policy perspective on CTC (community technology centers) sustainability in regional Australia: commercial viability and social good

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    26. A community addresses food security needs

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    27. A community approach: digital innovations for extension

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    28. A community informatics for the information society

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    29. A community perspective on information

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    30. A community-based health education programme for bio-environmental control of malaria through folk theatre (Kalajatha) in rural India

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    31. A comparison of attitudes toward state-led conservation and community-based conservation in the Village of Bigodi, Uganda

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    34. A measure of fairness: an investigative framework to explore perceptions of fairness and justice in a real-life social conflict

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    35. A model for viewing community change in a value context

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    40. A program called COP: strengthening communication networks through community organization

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    41. A progress report on a multi-systems theory of communication behavior

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    42. A promise to rebuild

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    44. A quest into the unknown

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    45. A rural drought in a national flood: Washington State residents' assessments of local news

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    46. A social history of the slaughterhouse: from inception to contemporary implications

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    47. A study of community guides: lessons for professionals practicing with and in communities

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    48. A study of small-town life in the Texas cattle country, 1880-1890, as reflected in the press of the area and period

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    49. A study of some of the structures and procedures for the funding of community groups in the Republic of Ireland

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    50. A study to examine the digital divide factors: Jammu and Kashmir perspective

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    51. A thought-experiment with small-city media

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    53. Above all, give a damn

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    54. Above and beyond: small towns and rural areas don't have to be ugly. An excerpt from a new Planners Press book shows how to use photography to imagine a future other than sprawl

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    57. Action abstracts

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    58. Activities to promote wellness for older adults in rural communities

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    60. Adapting small market rural media to the challenges of new media: interviews with small market rural managers

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    61. Addressing the needs: small-scale farmers in the United States: suggestions from FSR/E

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    62. Adoption of Biogas technology

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    63. Adoption of ICT (information and communication technologies) enabled information systems for agricultural development and rural viability

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    64. Advising the farmer

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    70. Agricultural extension in ujamaa village development

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    71. Agricultural extension policies and poor tribal farmers

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    72. Agricultural extension: building capacity and resilience in rural industries and communities

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    73. Agricultural information via the Cleveland Free-Net

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    74. Agricultural innovations in Indian villages

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    75. Agriculture and the community: the sociological perspective

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    76. Agroterrorism workshop: Engaging community preparedness

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    78. Algeria: centre-down development, state capitalism, and emergent decentralization

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    79. America's local newspapers might be broke - but they're more vital than ever

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    80. Americans give fairly high marks to their local news media, especially when journalists are seen as connected to the community

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    81. An analytic approach to support urban agriculture policies development: case study of Barcelona

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    82. An appraisal of farmers internet use for sourcing agricultural information in north-western Nigeria

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    83. An approach to introducing change in organizations or communities

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    84. An evaluation of three democratic community-based approaches to citizen participation: surveys, conversations with community groups, and community dinners

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    86. An explorative study of ICT for developmental impact in rural areas of Bangladesh

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    87. An interpretive case study of a Southern African rural multi-purpose community centre

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    88. An unsuccessful attempt at social change in a Brazilian community

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    90. Anthropological methods for communication research: experiences and encounters during SITE (Satellite Instructional Television Experiment)

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    91. Appalachian culture and female newspaper editors' career paths in West Virginia

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    92. Appreciating the contribution of broadband ICT [information and communication technology] with rural and remote communities: stepping stones toward an alternative paradigm

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    93. Are Rural 4-Hers More Connected to Their Communities Than Their Non-4-H Counterparts?

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    94. As more weekly newspapers charge for obituaries, many editors and publishers resist

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    95. As technology spreads, community radio stations reach the masses

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    96. Asking questions in small-town America can be dangerous

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    97. Assessing community understanding of local environmental issues in two areas of Uganda

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    98. Assessing local journalism: news deserts, journalism divides, and the determinants of the robustness of local news

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    99. Assessing rural coalitions that address safety and health

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    100. Assessing the need to manage conflict in community-based natural resource projects

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