18 pages., via online journal., This study identified the communication platforms existing among researchers, extension workers, and farmers in Eastern Nigeria. Data were collected from 164 respondents using a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results revealed that monthly review technology meetings and research-extension-farmer-input linkage system were major communication platforms used by researchers and extension workers. Communication platforms effective between extension workers and farmers were those that promote face-to-face interactions. The problems militating against effective communication among the stakeholders could be solved by considering the needs of the farmers, acquainting the policy makers with current research findings, and frequent use of more interactive communication platforms.
15 pages, In the development process, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), which also commonly referred to as electronic media or cyber media have been acknowledged as a new instrument that could facilitate the need of new information and innovation for rural people or farmers. However, several studies reported that extension and communication based electronic media in developing countries encounter more problems rather than in developed countries. This research aims to investigate the ownership, access, utilization or functions of ICTs for obtaining information supporting the daily life of farmers and for promoting various farming activities in the coastal area of Kulon Progo Regency Yogyakarta. The research method of the study was a descriptive method that has been conducted by a mixed method. The study found that in line with modernization in agriculture, farmers have been using conventional and new electronic media including television, radio and mobile phone with function for getting new information. Conventional electronic media are still dominant while the use of new electronic media has been gradually increasing. Information gathered from ICTs includes social, cultural, economic, health and environmental issues. The use of new electronic media particularly the internet via smartphone has newly started to be utilized among farmers in the coastal farming area who intensively engaged in horticulture crops cultivation mainly for getting and exchange the market information. Information on technological innovation is still dominant among farmers. Better infrastructure and mobility access, improvement of telecommunication network and development of content and format of information provided by new media will be prospective in the future.
16 pages, Background
Residue-based biogas is considered as a renewable energy that should be used to improve energy security and household livelihoods in rural areas. Observational learning and word-of-mouth learning are critical in the dissemination of knowledge about agricultural technologies. Yet, scholars have little understanding of the impacts of these learning methods on farmers’ use of residue-based biogas. Using survey data from rural areas of Hubei China, this study estimates the impacts of observational learning and word-of-mouth learning from different subjects (i.e., relatives, neighbors, cadres, cooperative members, and technical instructors) on the use of residue-based biogas by farmers. Additionally, the moderating role of interpersonal trust in these relationships is explored.
Results from logistic regression models show that observational learning from technical instructors significantly increases farmers’ use of biogas. Furthermore, interpersonal trust significantly and positively influences the impact of observational learning on farmers’ decisions to use biogas. Similarly, interpersonal trust significantly and positively moderates the influence of positive word-of-mouth learning on farmers’ decision to use biogas. In contrast, a negative moderating role exists in the relationship between negative word-of-mouth learning and farmers’ decision to use biogas. These impacts are further affirmed by robustness checks.
The results presented here show that enhancing farmers’ interpersonal trust promotes the use of residue-based biogas by farmers. One important implication is that the government might promote the use of residue-based biogas by organizing technology demonstration activities, providing communication platforms, and enhancing mutual trust between farmers and relevant groups.
Rogers-Randolph, Tiffany (author), Lundy, Lisa K. (author), Telg, Ricky W. (author), Rumble, Joy N. (author), Myers, Brian (author), and Lindsey, Angela B. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: New Prairie Press
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 203 Document Number: D12249
19 pages, The demand for agriculture, food, and natural resource (AFNR) messages to be conveyed via channels of social media provides a natural inclination to seek out digital natives, such as state FFA officers, to fill the present gap of agriculturalists in online environments. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that influence state FFA officers' behaviors of communicating about AFNR issues on social networking sites. The theoretical framework that guided this study of communication behaviors was the theory of planned behavior. A census of the accessible population of 276 state officers was attempted, and 97 usable responses were received (35.1%). The findings reinforced the use of the theory of planned behavior to understand, predict, and change AFNR social media behaviors. The significance of subjective norms suggested that online AFNR communication is mainly under subjective control for state FFA officers. To increase online engagement of state FFA officers, it is recommended that behavioral change efforts target normative beliefs and that clear behavioral expectations are expressed. Further research is recommended to determine if the significance of subjective norms as a predictor of intent is unique to technological and social media behaviors or applicable to a broader context. Additional research with other populations of young agriculturalists is also recommended.