Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: Byrnes6 Document Number: C12539
Francis C. Byrnes Collection, Prepared for the Academy for Educational Development, Washington, D.C., under contract with the Office of Education and Human Resources, Bureau of Technical Assistance, Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. 53 p. Used as a resource for the "Conference on non-formal education and the rural poor," Michigan State University, East Lansing, September 26-October 3, 1976.
Chamala, Shankariah (author), Keith, K.J. (author), and Keith: Department of Primary Industries, Indooroopilly; Chamala: Department of Agriculture, University of Queensland, Australia
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 72 Document Number: C03305
James F. Evans Collection; See C03269 for original, In: Communication in agriculture : an international conference; 1989 January 30 - February 3; University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W., Australia. Armidale, Australia : University of New England, 1989. volume 2, p. 59
Gregory, Robert B. (author), Lilley, Stephen (author), Richardson, John G. (author), and Richardson: Extension Specialist, Educational Programs, and Associate Professor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC; Lilley: Extension Sociology Specialist, and Associate Professor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC; Gregory: Section Head, Visual Communications/Agricultural Communications, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 80 Document Number: C04599
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C09745
National Association of Farm Broadcasters Archives, University of Illinois. NAFB Publications Series No. 8/3/89. Box No. 4. Contact or Documentation Center, Official Historian's Records 28 : 130
Bouare, Dasse' (author), Bowen, Blannie E. (author), and Bouare: Agricultural Extension Agent, Republic of Mali, West Africa; Bowen: Rumberger Professor of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 76 Document Number: C04137
Huysveld, Sophie (author), Van Meensel, Jef (author), Van linden, Veerle (author), De Meester, Steven (author), Peiren, Nico (author), Muylle, Hilde (author), Dewulf, Jo (author), and Lauwers, Ludwig (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Belgium: Elsevier
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 161 Document Number: D07798
16 pages., Article # 6FEA3, via online journal., We examined how the Twin Ports Climate Conversations (TPCC), a community-based climate communication project, is influencing local climate awareness and response. A survey of TPCC participants and subsequent roundtable discussion event were used to explore program impacts, outcomes, and future directions. Results showed that the TPCC project has been effective at increasing awareness and facilitating contacts and may be leading to actions that range from information sharing to personal behavioral changes. Future directions include engaging new audiences and promoting more on-the-ground climate action. TPCC can serve as a model to help other communities start cross-sectoral climate conversations.
11 pages., via online journal, This paper discusses the role of the community in agroforestry technology development and the extension approaches that have been used to spread sustainable agroforestry practices. It begins by stressing the importance of active community participation in the development of appropriate and sustainable agroforestry interventions for small holder farmers in the tropics. This is seen as essential because farmers understand their complex biophysical, socio-cultural and economic environment better than anyone else. It is therefore imperative that the community be involved in the whole process of technology development right frøm problem identification to technology transfer. Similarly, problem identification and prioritisation by, consensus of the community is seenas crucial, as is the role of indigenous knowledge in designing technologies that are cost effective, relevant and easily adoptable. Equally important is that interventions be tried out with a few farmers before involving the whole community and that farmers develop a monitoring system within their means that is effective in assessing the performance of these technologies. The paper concludes that a community-based extension system should be institutionalised in order to ensure sustainability in the transfer of the technologies. The system should be able to lead to the building of the capacity of the local farming community to continue utilising and transferring these technologies to solve their problems and ultimately creating sustainable fanning systems.
Ervin, David E. (author), Frisvold, George B. (author), and Portland State Univ, Inst Sustainable Solut, 241 Cramer Hall,1721 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201 USA
Portland State Univ, Environm Management & Econ, 241 Cramer Hall,1721 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201 USA
Univ Arizona, Dept Agr & Resource Econ, 319 Cesar Chavez Bldg, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08227
Bowman, Brittany (author), Settle, Quisto (author), North, Elizabeth Gregory (author), Lewis, Kerri Collins (author), and Oklahoma State University
Mississippi State University
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: New Prairie Press
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 152 Document Number: D10159
18 pages, via online journal, Extension is often called the “best-kept secret” having low awareness with the public but high satisfaction with clientele. Extension services nationwide have faced budget cuts, creating a need for the organization to re-evaluate its activities, including how it communicates with its stakeholders. While Extension personnel are the ones who will do most of the communicating, their supervisors impact the personnel’s actions, which means it is important to assess both groups. A survey was conducted with Extension personnel and their supervisors in Mississippi assessing engagement in communications activities and perceptions of those activities, as well as personnel’s preference of professional development activities. Personnel reported higher use, comfort, and importance of more traditional (e.g. making a speech) and written activities (e.g. writing a promotional handout) than media-relations activities (e.g. being interviewed for TV), social media-related activities (e.g. managing a Twitter account), and visual communication activities (e.g. graphic design). Supervisors perceived individual communications activities as less important overall than personnel did, and although supervisor and communication scores for use and comfort/capability were similar for most communication activities, there were noticeable exceptions. Additionally, personnel preferred professional development activities that were hands-on or showing the activities first-hand (e.g. demonstrations and field days). Future research should be expanded to other states, conducted in a case study format to study specific relationships, and involve qualitative components. Extension should ensure clear supervisor-communication dialogue on prioritizing communication activities, provide training on communication activities with low use and comfort, and utilize early innovators who are comfortable using newer communication activities.
Campbell, Julie H. (author), Henderson, Jason J. (author), Wallace, Victoria H. (author), and University of Georgia
University of Connecticut
Department of Extension, University of Connecticut
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: American Society for Horticultural Science
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 11 Document Number: D10327
7 pages., Via online journal., This study examined how different presentation formats affected knowledge gain among school grounds managers. Results indicate large-group participants (presentation to ≈50 participants at a turfgrass field day) had greater knowledge retention than small-group participants (presentation to 6–10 participants at an interactive workshop). Small-group attendees had more flexibility to discuss issues that affected them directly and may have focused on those issues instead of the targeted information. Large-group meetings were more ridged in format and attendees were less able to deviate from the main subject matter being presented. However, the value of the small-group meeting should not be discounted, especially when athletic field grounds managers and staff require information specific to their situation. When disseminating more general information, the large-group meeting format is a better means of delivery.
2 pages, Monsanto's Barton plant, Luling, Louisiana owns a computer that is literally running the ammonia operation. But it also employs plenty of people - in fact, five more than were there before the fantastic instruments took over. They are also there to monitor the equipment. Once in a while something "baffles" the computer and it takes a little investigation to correct the flaw.
Masiclat, Steve (author), Scherer, Clifford W. (author), and Scherer: Associate Professor and Department Extension Leader, Department of Communication, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; Masiclat: Graduate Student, Department of Communication, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 71 Document Number: C03231
13 pages., Article #:v58-1a2, via online journal., According to the 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, without urgent global changes, climate catastrophe caused by warming of greater than 1.5°C will occur by 2030, endangering the planet's capacity to sustain human populations and livelihoods. The National Network for Sustainable Living Education administered a national survey in January 2017 to assess how well-positioned Extension is to address sustainability in the communities the organization serves. Educators from 40 states responded, and 1,395 usable surveys were received. Survey results will help Extension employees discover opportunities for innovation and relevancy in their programming.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 147 Document Number: C23547
Max Planck Society via Food Safety Network. 2 pages., Researchers have identified a gene that produces a chemical "cry for help" that attracts beneficial insects to damaged plants.
11 pages, Many academics ask ‘How can I use my research to influence policy?’. In this paper, we draw on our first-hand experience as social researchers for the British Government to advise how academics can create and communicate research with policymakers. Specifically, we describe methods of communicating research to policymakers in relation to research we undertook to listen to farmers about their priorities for a new agricultural policy for England following the exit of the UK from the European Union. The main purpose of this research was to ensure farmers’ voices were included in policy development and therefore communication of the research to policymakers was key. We reflect on the effectiveness of the communication methods we employed and summarise our learnings into four practical recommendations: (1) make research relevant to policymakers; (2) invest time to develop and maintain relationships with policymakers; (3) utilise ‘windows of opportunity’; and (4) adapt presentation and communication styles to the audience. We consider that employing these recommendations will help to improve how evidence is communicated between academia and government and therefore the influence of evidence in decision-making processes.
4 pages., Article # 6COM1, via online journal., To develop more inclusive programs, Extension professionals should attend to self-awareness, communication, and program structure. We suggest engaging in reflection and examining word choices and program decisions to make programs more welcoming to all members of the communities we serve. Extension professionals should incorporate these practices in their work to meet the needs of increasingly diverse communities.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C29792
Pages 229-233 in Ian Scoones and John Thompson (eds.), Farmer First revisited: innovation for agricultural research and development. Practical Action Publishing, Warwickshire, U.K. 357 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C19729
Pages 65-83 in Pilar Riano (ed.), Women in grassroots communication: furthering social change. Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California USA. 315 pages.