Hasselink, Frits (author), van Boven, Gwen (author), Idle, Eddie (author), and World Conservation Union (IUCN), International Union for Conservation and Natural Resources.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 154 Document Number: C24939
Chapter 22 in Denise Hamu, Elisabeth Auchincloss and Wendy Goldstein (eds.), Communicating protected areas. Presented to the Vth IUCN World Parks Congress, Durban, South Africa, September 8-17, 2003.
Hastings, Gerard (author), Freeman, Jo (author), Spackova, Renata (author), and Siguier, Pierre (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D01363
Pages 93-107 in W. Douglas Evans and Gerard Hastings (eds.), Public health branding: applying marketing for social change. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. 304 pages.
Hatesohl, Delmar (author / University of Missouri, Extension Education) and University of Missouri, Extension Education
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 61 Document Number: C01940
Hanne, In: Miller, M.E., ed. International agricultural programs and agricultural communications : proceedings from a February 13-15, 1985, national conference, St. Louis, Missouri. [s.l.] : Association of U.S. University Directors of International Programs, 1985. p. 23-30
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 98 Document Number: C08163
Theodore Hutchcroft Collection, Columbia, MO: University of Missouri, 1984. Communications Guide CM150. 2 p. (In: North Central Regional Extension Publication no. 212)
9 pages., via online journal., Social media platforms and other new technologies support the communication of many topics, both beneficial and controversial to t he development of the agriculture industry. Agricultural communicators’ use of these platforms is critical for engaging with stakeholders and communicating information beneficial to agriculture . The purpose of this study was to explore agricultural communicators’ use of devices and soci al media platforms in the United States. Researchers administered an online, descriptive que stionnaire to collect data from members of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. A ma jority of respondents used social media for work, with smartphones being the most common device used. Facebook and Twitter were used more than blogs and YouTube to interact with farmer s/ranchers. Respondents agreed that social media allowed them to quickly and conveniently comm unicate with others. Significant relationships existed between perceived usefulness and Pinterest, blogs, and Instagram, while one significant correlation existed between perceiv ed ease of use and Instagram. Respondents should continue to use Facebook and Twitter to enga ge their stakeholder groups in conversations about agriculture.
11 pages., via online journal., Urban agriculture plays an increasingly vital role in supplying food to urban populations. Changes in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) are already driving widespread change in diverse food-related industries such as retail, hospitality and marketing. It is reasonable to suspect that the fields of ubiquitous technology, urban informatics and social media equally have a lot to offer the evolution of core urban food systems. We use communicative ecology theory to describe emerging innovations in urban food systems according to their technical, discursive and social components. We conclude that social media in particular accentuate fundamental social interconnections normally effaced by conventional industrialised approaches to food production and consumption.
Hecht, Michael L. (author) and Lee, Jeong Kyu (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D01367
Pages 161-179 in W. Douglas Evans and Gerard Hastings (eds.), Public health branding: applying marketing for social change. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. 304 pages.
Via online., Considering the rapidly changing business environment, staying competitive is a key issue and challenge for companies in the 21st century. The criteria of a company’s success and competitiveness is the changing behavior of the different economic actors and its influence. Through the information society came to the fore, the use of diverse information technology tools and methods has become a significant influence factor in terms of the entrepreneurs or company management and also the customers or other partners. Due to the rapid expansion of new technology developments, the role and importance of social media is continuously increasing. Also statistics show that one of the most regularly used IT tool is the social media and the different web 2.0 applications. The current study is intended to provide a better understanding how social media can emphasize the competitiveness of companies and format the consumer behavior in a special sector – the rapidly developing gastronomy industry. This paper presents an empirical research about the role of social media in the above mentioned industry based on the primary data which are gathered through a survey performed in Hungary. Beyond the empirical results presented, the paper also aims to provide some recommendations for research methodology – based on the international literature review and the Authors’ own experiences – both in gastronomy industry’s and customers’ point of view. Through the analysis the research hypotheses were examined and the most important correlations were identified between the survey results and the Authors’ initial supposition
13 pages., via online journal., Many rice farmers decide to spray insecticides based on their perception of potential damage and losses caused by pest species. Farmers generally overestimate the seriousness of the rice leaf folder from visible damage and apply insecticides early, and therefore, changing perceptions may help reduce the perceived benefits of unnecessary spraying. Farmers in Long An province, Vietnam, were motivated to ‘test’ a heuristic or rule of thumb, ‘insecticide spraying for leaf folder control in the first 40 days after sowing is not needed’, by the distribution of carefully designed communication media materials. The media reached 97% of the farmers in the study sites. Leaflets, radio drama and posters had the most effective reach. Thirty-one months after the media introduction, the number of insecticide sprays dropped significantly from 3.35 sprays per farmer per season to 1.56. The proportion of farmers spraying at early and late tillering and booting stages was reduced from 59%, 84% and 85% to 0.2%, 19% and 30%, respectively. Those who did not use any insecticides increased from 1% to 32%. Correspondingly, farmers' perceptions of leaf folder damage as indicated in a belief index, decreased significantly from 11.25 to 7.62. The proportion of farmers who believed that leaf folders could cause losses was reduced from 70% to 25%, as did those who believed that early season spraying was required, from 77% to 23%, respectively. Farmers' insecticide spray frequencies and the belief index were significantly correlated and were not significantly different between farmers who had attended farmer field school training and those who had not. The cost (insecticide and labour) saving was the most important incentive for farmers to stop early season spraying as cited by 89% of the farmers. A survey of 12 other districts in Long An showed that 82% of the province's 210000 households were reached. About 20% had not applied any insecticides, 77% had stopped early season spraying and the average number of insecticide sprays was 1.6 (compared with 1.55 in study sites). The approach was readily adopted by extension in 15 provinces that launched their own programmes, extending to the whole Mekong Delta of 2 million farmer households.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08820
Pages 487-509 in Rob Roggema (ed.), Agriculture in an urbanizing society volume one: proceedings of the sixth AESOP conference on sustainable food planning. United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 549 pages.
Interviews with animal rights advocates prompt author to suggest that a satisfactory resolution of the debate over the use of animals can only emerge in an atmosphere of respect, communication and mutual understanding rather than through the "argumentation is war" model.
19 pages., via online journal., The following study looks at how traditional, organic, cooperative farmers
starting a new farming cooperative in the US Southwest communicate
about their farming as a set of (sustainable) cultural practices. The study
draws on environmental communication theory, the theory of the
coordinated management of meaning, and Vandana Shiva’s three-tiered
economic model to construct a communication-based framework
through which to view farmers’ stories about sustainability. This
framework is productive, showing how some Nuevo Mexicano farmers
(and others) orient toward farming, sustenance, and human-nature
relationships through community, family, heritage, and education.
Moreover, in addition to a conceptualization of sustainability as specific
practices for nurturing and enduring in environments, communities, and
organizations/institutions, sustainability can be understood as
embedded ecocultural and historical experience with cross-cultural
parallels in land-based communities. This study advances the ethical
duty of environmental communication to better understand the ways in
which environmental discourse and ecocultural and material realities are
imbricated, as well as the call for such discursive study to be grounded
in phenomenological experience of the natural world.
29 pages, via online journal, Using an online between-subject experiment, this study tested the effects of message framing (gain vs. loss), reference point (self vs. other), and modality (text vs. infographics) in the scenario of recycling promotion. The findings identified that modality determines under what circumstances message strategies make a difference in risk perception and optimistic bias. In particular, only when paired with infographics and other-referencing point are loss-framed messages more effective than gain-framed messages in increasing risk perception and reducing the self-other gap in perceived benefits. Moreover, risk perception variables and the self-other risk perceptual gap were significant predictors of promoted behavioral intentions.
Huysveld, Sophie (author), Van Meensel, Jef (author), Van linden, Veerle (author), De Meester, Steven (author), Peiren, Nico (author), Muylle, Hilde (author), Dewulf, Jo (author), and Lauwers, Ludwig (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Belgium: Elsevier
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 161 Document Number: D07798
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 45 Document Number: B05427
; Compilation of several handbooks; see B00317, B01321, B01899, B05428, B05429, B01570, B01571, and B01575, Theodore Hutchcroft Collection, Washington, DC: International Cooperation Administration, 1960.
11 pages., via online journal., Youth cherish technology, efficiency and innovations and accommodate entrepreneurial risks. The objectives of this study were to show the beneficial use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in agriculture among the youth in Kenya, assessed ICT application and commonly used tools, experienced challenges, impacts and suggested future ICT use. Beneficial ICT applications were exemplified by ‘Mkulima Young Champions’ who led digital initiatives, drew youth into farming, helped them learn among themselves, and traded and overcame agricultural challenges. Using radio, short message services (SMS) and social media, they discussed agricultural topics and shared successes. Mkulima Young's Facebook was vibrant. The youth posted photographs and videos, asked questions, discussed issues and interacted. Most of the youth obtained information from the internet, hence the internet was the best platform to market and promote agriculture to the youth. They used internet and social media to obtain production technologies, market information and for information sharing. Most commonly used tools were MS Office and spreadsheets for record keeping. Voice messages and SMS assisted timely accessing of market prices, reaching clients, sharing production information and money transactions. The ICT content should be relevant to targeted youth, valuable, localized and dependable. The ICT-savvy youth operated intensive, efficient and profitable farms, producing diverse and branded products for niche markets. The youth transformed the community use and access to ICTs and influenced community economic status. Smart phone technology will revolutionize access to and use of ICTs. YouTube, Twitter and WhatsApp should be expanded and widely popularized among the youth.
11 pages., via online journal., In recognition of the importance of communication in extension work and agriculture, this study assessed communication methods used among core sub-programs of the Enugu State Agricultural Development Program (ENADEP). Sixty-three staff were randomly selected to participate in the study. Statistical tools such as percentage, mean score, and factor analysis were used in data analysis. Findings show that a downward (top-down) communication flow was most common, with posters and workshops as primary communication tools. Technology review meetings and training were major situations in which communication occurred, while achievement of ENADEP objectives was the most important motive for communication. Communicator knowledge about subject matter was the top-rated factor that enhanced communication; security/credibility- and human/autocracy-related problems were major constraints to effective communication. The study recommends a de-emphasis on top-down communication approaches and encourages use of digital/information communication technology (ICT) tools to minimize the gap between generation and dissemination of information and its application.
10 pages., Article #: v58-1rb1, via online journal., Coalitions are central to Extension's community-based programs. To assess characteristics that support well-functioning coalitions and to support coalitions in which Extension stakeholders participate, we used the Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory to assess 10 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education coalitions on the basis of research-tested collaboration success factors. Overall, the 103 coalition members who responded reported strengths related to communication and shared purpose and weaknesses in the areas of resources and process and structure for achieving the coalitions' aims. Our project represents a low-burden method for assessing Extension coalitions to understand the characteristics that are likely to support the achievement of collective goals.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 32 Document Number: D10615
461 pages., via uiuc library catalog., Whether you are managing wetlands, protecting endangered species, or restoring ecosystems, you need to be able to communicate effectively in order to solve conservation and resource management problems. Communication Skills for Conservation Professionals can help you do just that--it is a practical and inspiring book that provides user-friendly guidance on achieving conservation goals through effective communication.
This second edition of a widely praised book, originally published in 1999, includes new material on working with stakeholders, volunteers, and other groups to multiply conservation success. It also expands on the use of electronic media with examples of conservation Web pages, blogs, e-newsletters, and other new media. The book's citations have been updated to include a host of Web sites and other electronic sources useful for planning and implementing communication programs.
Jefferson, Debrah (author) and Shaner, Jim (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 98 Document Number: C08165
Theodore Hutchcroft Collection, Columbia, MO: University of Missouri, 1984. Communications Guide CM300. 4 p. (In: North Central Regional Extension Publication no. 212)
14 pages., via online journal., While dealing with weather variability has always been a source of stress for farmers, a generally warmer, wetter climate with the potential for increasingly intensive precipitation poses a threat to long-term farm viability. Knowing how farmers think about increasingly variable weather patterns (IVWP) is important for educators, agency staff, and others to learn how to work with producers on adaptation strategies to protect natural resources and prevent crop failure. In 2011, the University of Maine Cooperative Extension conducted focus group sessions with farmers from seven different commodity groups, five mixed farmer sessions, and two sessions with consultants, educators, and agency staff who work with growers to learn about grower perceptions of environmental changes, and to learn about changes they may be making to their farming operations to protect their operations from IVWP. Farmers discussed over 40 practices that could be construed as adaptation measures to buffer against IVWP. Fruit (apple and blueberry) growers spent the most time on the subject and expressed the most concern about the effects of IVWP, while dairy and potato growers spent the least. Given the divergence of opinion on the subject of climate change that Maine growers expressed, successful outreach education through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Cooperative Extension should likely emphasize short-term risk management, resilience, and stability of farm operations as opposed to communicating the need to adopt strategies based on climate change.
Joffre, Olivier M. (author), Bosma, Roel H. (author), Ligtenberg, Arend (author), Tri, Van Pham Dang (author), Ha, Tran Thi Phung (author), and Bregt, Arnold K. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Vietnam: Elsevier
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 160 Document Number: D07800
3 pages., via online journal., As a long-time writer of silly, nonsensical blogs and books and the owner of a Himalayan trekking company, I’m often asked the same question from people who are clearly confused about what I do: “What makes a great communicator?” I’m faced with this question so often that I’ve decided to impart some of the overflowing wisdom that people seem to think I have on the topic and compile my Top Five Secrets to Achieving Great Communication, which will then render the title improper because they will no longer, by definition, be secrets.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 98 Document Number: C08192
Theodore Hutchcroft Collection, In: Proceedings of the Agricultural Communications Section Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists, Little Rock, AR, February 3-7, 1990. Little Rock, AR: Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1990. p. 87-92.
James F. Evans Collection, This paper proposes that rural people can use a participatory rural newspaper as a rallying point for formal and informal discussions with development agents to improve their own life situation. The future of communication for development in the Third World lies in the shift from the use of big to small media like participatory rural newspaper. The micro model of communication for development presented here may be applied to other localized media instead of the participatory rural newspaper. But the adaption would require adjustments both in the theoretical as well as procedural approach to suit the particular mini medium. (original)
20 pages., via online journal., During the last 10 years, different initiatives have been implemented to provide mobile-based extension services for the agricultural sector in Egypt. The current study compared the quality of agricultural extension messages between public and private providers. A simple random sample of 120 farmers was selected representing 7% of the total farmers registered in the databases of Ministry of Agriculture (public services) and Shoura company (private services). Farmers assessed a sample of 10 messages delivered by both providers in terms of six indicators namely (1) access, (2) utilization, (3) timeliness, (4) trust, (5) satisfaction, and (6) sharing information with other farmers. The findings revealed the lack of access to messages by the farmers in the two services. However, more than 50% had utilized the majority of messages (in case of access). The study also showed significant differences between perception of farmers to quality attributes in public and private services (Access 6.77, 0.01; Utilization 8.44, 0.004; Timeliness 8.55, 0.002; Satisfaction 8.88, 0.001; information sharing 7.62, 0.009) except for trust (1.11, 0.4). Findings provide practical implications to support mobile-based extension services to enable sharing information and link farmers with other actors in the agricultural value chain.
Kawleski, M. (author / CommSciences,Inc. Cottage Grove, WI. USA)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 106 Document Number: C10001
In: "Mastering the art of communication is learning how to show yourself in full color." Presented at Cooperative Communicators Association Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Kelemen, Danna B. (author) and Cartmell, D. Dwayne II (author)
Research paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 149 Document Number: C24008
18 p. Paper presented at the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists' 103rd annual meeting in Orlando, Fla. [Agricultural Communications Section].
Kiernan, N.E. (author), McDonald, S. (author), Bromley, D. (author), Stoudnour, J. (author), Gregory, D. (author), and Penn State Cooperative Extension
Program evaluation
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 166 Document Number: C27673
Kim, Young-Mi (author), Figueroa, Maria Elena (author), Martin, Antonieta (author), Silva, Ricardo (author), Acosta, Sixto F. (author), Hurtado, Manuel (author), Richardson, Paul (author), and Kols, Adrienne (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 149 Document Number: C23979
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C27713
Presented at the National Extension Technology Conference in 2008, Raleigh, North Carolina. Information posted at http://netc08.ces.ncsu.edu., via online access, 27 slides, Abstract provided by presentor: VPs, Deans and Department Heads are the gatekeepers for funds and other resources that are needed for the new and innovative IT projects swimming around in your head. How do you assemble your thoughts, sell your colleagues, and then find the right time to pitch the Dean (or whomever) to get what you want and need? Examples and case studies will illustrate. Bring project ideas along for on-site discussion and review.
12 pages., via online journal., Similar to other parts of the world, European society is becoming increasingly urban, both in a physical as in an economic and socio-cultural sense. As a result, the relationships between society and nature, including forests, are changing, and forestry as structural intervention in forest ecosystems has had to adapt itself to changing societal pressures and demands. The planning and managing of woodlands in and near urban areas has been the most directly affected by the urbanisation process. Many European countries have a long tradition of ‘town forestry’, serving as basis for current developments in urban forestry, i.e. the planning and management of all forest and tree resources in and near urban areas for the benefit of local society. Through the adaptation to the specific demands of local urban societies, a type of forestry has emerged which is structurally different from classic forestry. It focuses, for example, on the social and environmental values of urban woodlands rather than on wood production and emphasising the importance of communication — ranging from information to participation/power sharing — between stakeholders. This paper investigates ways to communicate urban forests and forestry to urban inhabitants and other stakeholders, based on results of a comparative study of main European cities. It explores the role which urban forestry has been playing in the development of forestry at large, especially with regards to better incorporating changing social values and interests.
Kroger, Manfred (author / Department of Food Science, the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA) and Department of Food Science, the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 70 Document Number: C03102
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C22018
Eighth edition. 418 pages, Includes brief case reports about communications involving mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE), animal rights protests against fur farms, and opposition to genetically modified food.
Traces the expansion in number of media options available during the past 30 years and expresses appreciation to readers for their readership of Successful Farming magazine in that competitive environment.
Kunelius, Risto (author) and Yagodin, Dmitry (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08850
Pages 59-80 in Kunelius, Risto Eide, Elisabeth Tegelberg, Matthew Yagodin, Dmitry (eds.), Media and global climate knowledge: journalism and the IPCC. United States: Palgrave Macmillan, New York City, New York. 309 pages.
pgs. 1-17; Article 3, Via online journal., Audience analysis is a critical skill to forge relationships and develop effective communications. Programs provided by the Cooperative Extension Service must be aware of external and internal audiences to provide relevant information and evoke impacts. Berlo’s (1960) Source-Message-Channel-Receiver Model of Communications guided this formative evaluation of Extension staff, and horse 4-H club volunteer leaders (program facilitators) to expose internal communication tendencies in Arkansas. Findings identified that program facilitators seek horse-related information from a variety of sources, most frequently relying on personal connections and least frequently seeking Extension sources. Program facilitators share a variety of messages and most frequently relay information about deadlines to club members. Messages about recruitment and fundraising were shared least often. Program facilitators described utilizing a variety of personal and electronic channels to share messages with the greatest frequency for in-person communications. Incoming channels were less diverse than outgoing channels and primarily featured email, which program facilitators preferred. Program facilitators are primarily female, aged in their thirties, described lifetime involvement with 4-H and the horse industry, and most frequently reported having less than five years’ experience in their current position. The ground-level perspective of facilitators’ demographics and communication tendencies was evident in results of this study. In application, practitioners must continue to actively seek relationships with audiences, remain cognizant of communication factors, and provide accurate messaging through preferred channels.
Kutter, T. (author), Tiemann, S. (author), Siebert, R. (author), Fountas, S. (author), and Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Institute of Socioeconomics, Eberswalder Str. 84 15374 Müncheberg Germany
Farm Mechanization Lab, Crop Sciences and Rural Environment, University of Thessaly, Fytoko Street 38446 Nea Ionia Greece
Journal article
Publication Date:
International: Springer Science & Business Media B.V.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 164 Document Number: D08308