The International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists (IAALD)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 102 Document Number: D10917
14 pages., via IAALD website., The study determined farmers’ adoption of Organic agricultural technologies disseminated via radio
farmer agricultural Extension programme in Imo state, Nigeria. An interview schedule was used to
collect data from a sample of 200 farmers. Results show that radio farmer broadcast and co-farmers
were the major sources of information to greater proportion of the farmers. Data on relevance of the
organic agricultural technologies disseminated showed that almost all the technologies were perceived
to be relevant except the use of biological pest control farming. The radio farmer agricultural
programme enhanced the extent of adoption of organic agricultural technologies namely; crop rotation
practice, planting of indigenous varieties, application of compost, mulching of crops, intercropping,
mixed cropping, crop residues, animal manuring, planting of legumes, green manure, off farm organic
waste, minimum tillage and alley cropping. Nevertheless, the adoptions of the technologies were
generally low. Age, farming experience and social participation significantly influenced adoption of
organic agricultural technologies disseminated via radio farm agricultural Extension programme. Major
constraints identified include short duration of programme, inappropriate scheduling of programme,
inability to ask relevant questions and get feed back from the radio presenter. The study recommends
among other things the rescheduling of the radio programme to very late in the evenings when the
farmers will be opportune to listen to the programme.
Specht, Annie R. (author) and Rhoades, Emily B. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 188 Document Number: D01502
Paper presented in the Agricultural Communications Section of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists annual meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas, February 6-7, 2011. 23 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11718
Online via AgriMarketing Weekly from the Certified Agriculture Dealer (CAD) Program and partner RFD-TV. 2 pages., Release announces "the first live national farm show that includes both the local and virtual aspect for farmers and ranchers to participate in the best way that suits their operations."
USA: Farm Service Agency, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 199 Document Number: D09870
Via FSA website. 3 pages., Describes the USDA Certified State Agricultural Mediation Program administered by the Farm Service Agency. Cites examples, performance goals, results, resources and links to related sites.
9 pages., via online journal., Social media platforms and other new technologies support the communication of many topics, both beneficial and controversial to t he development of the agriculture industry. Agricultural communicators’ use of these platforms is critical for engaging with stakeholders and communicating information beneficial to agriculture . The purpose of this study was to explore agricultural communicators’ use of devices and soci al media platforms in the United States. Researchers administered an online, descriptive que stionnaire to collect data from members of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. A ma jority of respondents used social media for work, with smartphones being the most common device used. Facebook and Twitter were used more than blogs and YouTube to interact with farmer s/ranchers. Respondents agreed that social media allowed them to quickly and conveniently comm unicate with others. Significant relationships existed between perceived usefulness and Pinterest, blogs, and Instagram, while one significant correlation existed between perceiv ed ease of use and Instagram. Respondents should continue to use Facebook and Twitter to enga ge their stakeholder groups in conversations about agriculture.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C27630
Posted at, 3 pages., Describes a certified state agricultural mediation program administered by the Farm Service Agency, Outreach Staff of the USDA. Cites examples of use.
See this abstract in file folder for Document No. D06143, Abstract of poster presentation at North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture conference, Athens, Georgia, June 16-20.
15 Pages, Online Journal via U of I subscription, As a bottom-up, grassroots paradigm for sustainable rural development, agroecology is particularly promising for smallholders in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa. However, by adopting agroecology, smallholders will be challenged to take on new perspectives and compile and integrate different sourced information to innovate. Today’s fast evolving information and communications technology in sub-Saharan Africa represents great opportunities for rural populations to enhance the adoption and success of agroecology and to address their daunting challenges simultaneously while conserving, protecting and enhancing natural resources. Agroecology combined with information and communications technology will probably be smallholders’ “precision agriculture” in many developing countries to enhance their food security and livelihood.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 98 Document Number: C08175
Theodore Hutchcroft Collection, Columbia, MO: University of Missouri, 1979. Communications Guide CM1025. p. (In: North Central Regional Extension Publication no. 212)
Via online. 1 page., Reports on efforts by an animal rights organization to change the Wisconsin license plate slogan, "Wisconsin's Dairyland," to "America's Cow Hell." Focus is on "factory farming," "animal abuse" and production of veal.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 196 Document Number: D08053
John L. Woods Collection, Water-related communications plan as part of the Institutional Development Services for Secondary Cities Project in Egypt. Provided by Chemonics International, Inc., Washington, D. C. and submitted to the U. S. Agency for International Development in Cairo, Egypt. 10 pages,
18 pages., Via online journal, This paper provides an analysis of the growth in environmental and labelling schemes (ELIS), using a dataset of 544 schemes introduced between 1970 and 2012 covering 197 countries. General trends drawn from this dataset and an examination of relevant trademarks support a rapid but slowing increase in the number of ELIS. The analysis also shows both the diversity and unequal growth of ELIS according to different characteristics, such as communication means, channels, scope, and the standards on which they are based. The analysis further outlines the dual nature of the evolution of ELIS over time, driven by the combination of an increase in the number of “traditional” ELIS, such as single-issue environmental seals, and the emergence of more recently introduced types of ELIS, including environmental footprints. This combination highlights the tension between increased competition among similar ELIS and the emergence of new schemes potentially less exposed to direct competition but facing larger entry challenges.
Conference paper, International European Forum, Innsbruck, Austria, February 5-9, 2018. Pages 271-283 in proceedings published in this journal., The increasing impact due to urban population’s food supply causes a series of negative externalities related to food production, transformation and transportation. FAO and other institutions are trying to integrate traditional models of food supply with alternative ones like Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture (UPA). Defining the drivers that motivate the participation in different types of UPA could be useful to plan more participated and effective UPA development policies. Barcelona (Spain) hosts a number of cases representing different declinations that UPA can assume. This work aims at describing the differences in terms of motivations to enter the various typologies of Urban Agriculture (UA) in Barcelona. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews to 4 groups of users representing 3 of the most widespread models of UA initiatives in Barcelona (Allotment Gardens, Community Gardens, Pla Buits.) The results showed that participation in UA is mainly motivated by relational aspects and knowledge exchange and differences exist among the various UA models. Political reasons are mostly influencing the Community Gardeners while Pla Buits users’ mains motivations are related to socialising and Allotment gardeners are mainly motivated by environmental aspects. Differences in the participants’ demographic characteristics also emerged. Better targeted public policies contents and communication strategies for UPA development can thus be derived by the results obtained; to this end, recommendations have been provided. Further research should broaden the range of case studies and the sample size, in order to provide a more effective and comprehensive tool for tailoring UPA developing strategies to different contexts.
Burusphat, L. (author / United Nations Development Programme, Development Support Communication Service, Bangkok) and United Nations Development Programme, Development Support Communication Service, Bangkok
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 24 Document Number: B02476
#200, Harold Swanson Collection, Bangkok, Thailand : United Nations Development Programme, Development Support Communication Service, 1975. 45 p. Paper presented at a conference on "Information, Education, Communication Strategies"; 1975 December; East-West Communication Institute, Honolulu, HI
19 pages., via online journal., The agricultural sector continues to be challenged by the public with respect to how it deals with a wide range of issues. These issues may be viewed as component parts of an implied “new contract” between society and agriculture. The “old contract” with society obligated agriculture to provide safe, wholesome, abundant food at affordable prices. The new contract includes several additional components including a heightened focus on food safety and quality, consideration of environmental impacts of agricultural production, and increased consideration for the well-being of animals. If production agriculture effectively deals with these new components, society will likely continue supporting the use of public sector resources for agricultural research, education, and commodity programs. Recent surveys indicate the agricultural sector faces a formidable challenge in dealing with issues involving the risks and benefits of agricultural production practices. This is due to a decline in consumer confidence in the safety of the food supply, the relative level of scientific literacy, and a growing mistrust of new technologies within some demographic groups. Surveys indicate scientists and extension professionals are trusted by the public and thus can play a key role in public education.
Administrators and peers must actively support and reward scientists and extension professionals for their contributions to public education. Educating the public requires an understanding that the public, in general, does not view risk from a quantitative standpoint but rather from a qualitative one. Effective public education activities should be based upon proven public policy education methodology. This approach encourages the educators to refrain from assuming an advocacy position and allows maximum opportunity for the public to be in control of the decision-making process as required in the democratic system.
10 pages., via online journal., Purpose: Agricultural extension graduates do not get jobs and farmers are not getting agricultural
extension services, and therefore, both the farmers and agricultural graduates do not receive benefi ts.
The study assessed the interest of agricultural extension students in providing private extension services
to farmers, examined their perception towards private extension services and identifi ed extension skills
possessed by the students.
Research Method: The study comprised all the fi nal year students in the Universities in Osun State. A
two – stage sampling procedure was used to select the respondents. One university was selected from
each category of federal, state and private. A total of 68 respondents were selected and interviewed.
Data collected were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics.
Findings: The results show that the mean age, mean years of formal education of the respondents
were 23.75 ± 2.02 and 17.40 ± 1.16, respectively. About half (51.5%) of the respondents had positive
perception towards the private extension service while 57 percent had high interest in providing private
extension services. Majority of them possessed teaching skills (97.1%), innovation dissemination
skills (95.5%) and communication skills (88.2%). Also, sources of agricultural information available
(χ2=22.448), types of sponsors (χ2=6.102) and marital status (χ2=16.535) had a signifi cant association
with respondents’ interest in providing private agricultural extension services.
Research Limitation: The study focuses on the interest of agricultural extension graduates to provide
private extension services; however, these graduates may have an interest in other areas that have not
been investigated.
Original Value: The study provides an insight to show the interest and capability of agricultural students
to be engaged in private extension services as a livelihood
6 pages., ISSN: 2456-1878, via online journal., The use of mobile phones as means of
communication between the extension agents and local
farmers in Edo South was examined to determine the
perception of the extension agents on its effectiveness.
Fifty-one (51) respondents were obtained through random
sampling using questionnaires to obtain relevant
information in the two local government areas; Ovia North
East and Ovia South West selected for the study. The result
obtained indicated that male extension agents were in
majority (72.5%), 54.9% of the sampled population above
45 years of age and 58.8% possessed 16 – 20 years working
experience. Phone calls and short message service (SMS)
were found appropriate for agricultural information
dissemination. Significant and positive relationships were
established between the working experience of extension
agents and their perception of mobile phone usage. The
recommendation is that formal integration of mobile phone
into extension activities be done to enhance wider coverage,
reduce cost and risks associated with movement. Extension
agents and farmers need more training on effective usage
of SMS and phone calls for interaction on farm related
issues. Enforcement of existing telecommunication laws
could reduce network failure and also enhance effective
4 pages., Article #:3TOT9, via online journal., The Wisconsin Master Gardener Program team used the Google+ Community platform to provide an engaging online discussion forum for asynchronous continuing education experiences. Applications of such a tool for volunteer online education have numerous benefits, including the capacity for asynchronous posting, ease of posting, privacy options, wide availability, and the potential for internal troubleshooting.
Kunelius, Risto (author) and Yagodin, Dmitry (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08850
Pages 59-80 in Kunelius, Risto Eide, Elisabeth Tegelberg, Matthew Yagodin, Dmitry (eds.), Media and global climate knowledge: journalism and the IPCC. United States: Palgrave Macmillan, New York City, New York. 309 pages.
7 pages., Article # 6IAW6, via online journal., Although Extension educators have harnessed the power of technology as an important vehicle for conveying research-based content, it is important that the power of traditional educational methods not be overlooked. These traditional methods remain ideas that work, have worked, and continue to work even today. In this article, we spotlight these traditional ideas by presenting a social marketing campaign that engages limited-resource audiences via themed print educational materials—posters, brochures, and bookmarks. Evaluation results indicate that the campaign has been successful in engaging the target audience and motivating them regarding the adoption of healthful behavior changes.