15 pages, This study investigates the existing communication flows in agricultural cooperatives and the means of communication used by these organizations to communicate with their members. The authors
conducted a systematic literature review to address the following questions: How does communication occur in agricultural cooperatives? What means of communication have been adopted by agricultural cooperatives? What are the main theories supporting the analysis of communication issues in these organizations? There is evidence in the literature that inadequate communication between management and cooperative members can be one of the reasons for organizational failure. Inconsistent and ineffective communication can create a disconnect between members and organizations. In addition, communication is an important mechanism capable of improving the commitment of members to the cooperative. Despite this, agricultural cooperatives are slow to incorporate more diverse and
effective means of communication to reach their varied audiences.
13 pages., Via online journal., Access to food is a basic pillar of human development. It is therefore unsurprising that it features so centrally on global development agendas and that a robust, interdisciplinary literature seeks to examine its determinants. This study focuses on the relationship between mobile technology and food access. Specifically, we ask whether mobile technology can strengthen the relationship between food access and certain social and political factors such as remittance flows and political participation. We use Afrobarometer surveys and highly disaggregated data on 2G network coverage to estimate a multilevel model testing how increased connectivity measured by mobile technology influences food access. We show that mobile phone use and higher frequency of use are significantly and positively correlated with food access, but we do not find evidence that remittances and political participation levels can explain the mechanisms linking mobile technology and food access. The study highlights that connectivity can play a powerful role in shaping food outcomes even when controlling for commonly identified impediments such as income constraints or physical isolation. These findings suggest that policies aimed at improving food access should devote attention to strengthening both communication and physical infrastructure.