Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 116 Document Number: C11848
Journal Title Details:
pp. 46-48
Presentation at The Fifth Annual Conferences of The American Association of Agricultural College Editors at Ithaca, NY, June 28-29, 1917, Proceedings of The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Annual Conferences of The American Association of Agricultural College Editors by Subject Term(s)
Agricultural Communicators in Education (ACE) in 1919
National Association of Farm Broadcasters Archives, University of Illinois. NAFB Publications Series No. 8/3/90. Box No. 3. Contact or Documentation Center, Past Presidents, 1944-85. 5 p.
USA: Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08960
Page 21 in Lucinda Crile, Findings from studies of bulletins, news stories, and circular letters. Extension Service Circular 488. Revision of Extension Service Circular 461, which it supersedes. May 1953. 24 pages. Summary of Bulletin 12 (and master's thesis), Department of Agricultural Journalism, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 1942. 16 pages.
Pages 86-87 in Extension Circular 541, Review of Extension Research, January through December 1961, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Summary of a thesis for the master of science degree in agricultural extension, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 1961. 281 pages.
Looks into the evolution of the Circle to provide men and women in rural Midwestern towns an opportunity for college education via correspondence course of systematic home study from 1878 to 1900. Birth and development of CLSC with other social movements; social consequences of the CLSC's introduction; course offerings; chief obstacles