Johnson, Donald M. (author), Ferguson, James A. (author), and Lester, Melissa L. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C24682
Pages 620-628 in Fedro S. Zazueta and Jiannong Xin (eds.), Computers in agriculture: proceedings of the 7th international conference on computers in agriculture, Orlando, Florida, October 26-30, 1998. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 999 pages.
James F. Evans Collection, This article concentrates on 1890 land-grant colleges' and universities' contributions to rural development in 16 southern and border states. The author contends that lifting rural dwellers out of ignorance and poverty has been a major objective of 1890 institutions. During the early years the 1890s sent out change-agents to encourage rural dwellers to improve their standard of living through education and self-help programs. These agents went into rural communities and taught farm families to raise better crops and livestock; improve their homes, schools, and community life; and despite inadequate funding of teaching, research, and extension at these schools, the 1890 schools made significant contributions to rural development. Moreover, the writer contends that the 1890 schools are not outmoded, but essential to rural development and to the education of American citizens during the rest of the 1990s and into the 21st century. (original)
Brief summary of a talk by Wilbur D. Staats, extension editor, State College of Washington, at 1931 AAACE convention, Corvallis, Oregon. American Association of Agricultural College Editors.
Ward, W.B. (author / Cornell University) and Cornell University
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 45 Document Number: B05567
William B. Ward Collection, A statement presented before the administrative board of the Cornell Unniversity Council, New York City, November 15, 1963. 16 p.
Waliczek, Tina M. (author), Parsley, Kathryn M. (author), Williamson, Paula S. (author), Oxley, Florence M. (author), and Texas State University
The University of Memphis
Austin Community College
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: American Society for Horticultural Science
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 11 Document Number: D10330
9 pages., Via online journal., Negative impacts from invasive species present a global problem. Consequently, invasive species biology has emerged as an important subdiscipline of conservation biology. One of the goals of invasive species biology is to educate the public about impacts and potential control of invasive species. The purpose of this study was to determine if a lecture, a lecture and laboratory learning model, or both influence college student learning gains and whether increase in knowledge results in changes in attitudes about invasive species. A pre- and posttest instrument that measured knowledge and attitudes of invasive species was administered to several different classes of students at a university and community college. One group of students received a lecture and laboratory curriculum between the pre- and posttest (the lecture and laboratory treatment group). A second group of students received a lecture between the pre- and posttest (the lecture-only treatment group) and a third group received no instruction between tests (the control group). The lecture was in the form of an electronic presentation, whereas the laboratory curriculum included a case study, a visual aid, and a scavenger hunt to educate students about examples of invasive plant and animal species. In all classes and groups, there were at least 2 weeks between administering the pre- and posttest. Results showed that the control group scores were not different between the pre- and posttest. However, both the lecture-only and the lecture and laboratory treatment groups had scores that changed after receiving the curricula. In addition, there was an effect of curricula on student learning for the three conditions. The differences between the group that received no curricula vs. the two that did indicated that the curricula were effective teaching interventions to help students become more educated about invasive species.