Online via keyword search of UI Library eCatalog., Article about legal actions involving two television reporters who were fired from a Florida station for refusing to broadcast "what they knew and documented to be false and distorted information about Monsanto's bovine growth hormone (BGH) - a genetically engineered product that has been linked to the proliferation of breast, prostate and colon cancer cells in humans." Includes their scripts, as well as the censored version.
Carlos Varela is one of the best-known singer-songwriters to emerge from the Cuban nueva trova movement: heir to the musical traditions forged by Silvio Rodríguez and Pablo Milanés. Parochially, if accurately, known in North America as “Cuba’s Bob Dylan,” he has produced eight CDs since he began recording in 1988 and has toured Europe, the United Kingdom, Latin America, the Caribbean, and North America. In Cuba he is known as the voice of the generation that came of age during the Special Period of the 1990s, those raised with the promise and seeming collapse of the Cuban Revolution, for whom his songs have become generational anthems. In this interview, Varela discusses the meaning his music has for Cubans in the diaspora and on the island, the benefits and liabilities of creating music in today’s Cuba, censorship, history, the current Cuban hip-hop scene, and the ongoing significance of music as a political language for his own and other generations of Cubans. He also shares some reflections about his own career and his song-writing process since the 1980s., unedited non–English abstract received by RILM] Carlos Varela es uno de los cantautores más famosos surgido del movimiento cubano de la nueva trova, y heredero de la tradición musical de Silvio Rodríguez y Pablo Milanés. Celebrado como el “Bob Dylan cubano”, ha producido ocho discos desde que comenzó a grabar en 1988, y ha dado giras por Europa, el Reino Unido, América Latina, el Caribe y América del Norte. En Cuba, Varela es conocido como la voz de la generación que se formó durante el Período Especial de los años noventa, los que crecieron con la promesa y, a la vez, la desilusión de la Revolución Cubana, y para quienes sus canciones se convirtieron en himnos generacionales. En esta entrevista, habla sobre el significado de sus canciones para los cubanos dentro y fuera de la isla, sobre los beneficios y las dificultades de la creación musical en la Cuba de hoy, sobre la censura, la historia, el escenario actual del hip-hop cubano, y el constante significado de la música como lenguaje político, tanto para su generación como para las otras generaciones de cubanos. También, Varela comparte algunas reflexiones sobre su carrera y el proceso de creación de sus canciones desde los años ochenta.
Argues that the discipline of a total political and social revolution, it is stated, requires the self-discipline (in no way synonymous with control) and responsibility of the writer, as of any other citizen, in ensuring that the initial premises of the revolution are not betrayed, either by selfish failings on the part of the creator or by dogmatic temptations of functionaries. (Author)
Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems Project "Public Goods and University-Industry Relationships in Agricultural Biotechnology"
Online article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 128 Document Number: C18893
59 pages; November 19-20, 2002 Charles Hamner Conf. Center Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Rao, Leela (author / Professor, Department of Communication, Bangalore University, India) and Professor, Department of Communication, Bangalore University, India
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 72 Document Number: C03354
USA: Center for Investigative Reporting, Emoryville, California.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 7 Document Number: D10286
Via online from the "Reveal" section of the Center website. 5 pages., Regional officials of the National Park Service "scrubbed all mentions of climate change from a key planning document for a New England national park after they were warned to avoid "sensitive language that may raise eyebrows."