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    601. Getting consumers to eat more whole-grains: the role of policy, information, and food manufacturers

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    607. Grocery shoppers' stage of change in nutrition label use and perceived value of a nutrition label guide

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    609. Groundbreaking report finds consumer awareness of food safety issues "high"

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    611. Growing French acceptance of GM

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    612. Guess what? Gen Z and Millennials like to grocery shop at the store

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    614. HFCS-free sales booming

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    616. Health beliefs and food supplement use of adults

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    617. Health communication and consumer behavior on meat in Belgium: from BSE to dioxin

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    618. Health communication and consumer behavior on meat in Belgium: from BSE until dioxin

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    619. Health knowledge and consumer use of nutritional labels: the issue revisited

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    621. Heating up environmental education and communication

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    623. Higher food and energy prices are a burden, says global poll

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    624. Hillman enjoys wild ride of covering farm news

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    625. Hispanic consumers' perceptions toward locally grown ethnic produce: a study from east-coast US

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    627. Homeowners and their choice of information sources about gardening

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    629. How consumer awareness and generic promotions drive demand: the case of orange juice

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    631. How large commercial producers choose input suppliers: expendable products from seed to animal health

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    632. How local is local? Consumer preference for steaks with different food mile implications

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    633. How marketing has changed

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    634. How sweet they are : premiums can reinforce a product's image, benefits

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    636. How will consumers respond to BST?

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    640. Identification and Evaluation of Viable Market Opportunities for Organically-Grown Aquatic Products: Results from the Focus Group Meetings

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    641. Identification of and food consumption in food deserts: a case study of South Korea

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    642. Identification of bison consumer characteristic dimensions and restaurant marketing strategies

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    643. Identifying the effects of generic advertising on the household demand for fluid milk and cheese: a two-step panel data approach

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    645. Impact of changes in dietary preferences on U.S. retail demand for beef: health concerns and the role of media

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    646. Impact of the Make Healthy Normal mass media campaign (phase 1) on knowledge, attitudes and behaviours: a cohort study

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    647. Impacts of advertising and promotion on the demand for scanned purchases of Vidalia onions

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    648. Impacts of taste, location of origin and health information on market demand for sweetpotatoes

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    651. Improving information on organics: information needs from a processor's perspective

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    657. Indications of homemakers motivation and knowledge about food buying

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    658. Influence of brand equity on milk choice: a choice experiment study

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    659. Influence of coherent context for positioning distinctive and iconic sicilian sparkling wines: effect of a sensorial experience on a gulet

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    660. Influence of sources of seed on varietal adoption behavior of wheat farmers in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India

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    661. Influence of store selection in household buying

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    662. Influence of the halal certification on food product advertisements in Malaysia

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    664. Information technology and fresh produce: a case study using store level scan data to analyze sales

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    665. Information, consumers and GMF [genetically modified foods]: a comment

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    667. Insidious consumption: surprising factors that influence what we eat and how much

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    669. Intentions of New Zealanders to purchase lamb or beef made using nanotechnology

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    671. International acceptance of agricultural biotechnology

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    672. Internet and e-commerce adoption by agricultural input firms

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    674. Irradiated foods may pose credibility and liability challenges to retailers

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    676. Irradiated seafood products : a position paper for the seafood industry, final report

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    678. Is European consumers' refusal of GM food a serious obstacle or a transient fashion?

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    680. Is fresh milk powdered milk? The controversy over packaged milk in Vietnam

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    681. Is newspaper reading related to where people shop?

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    682. Is there a promising market "in between" organic and conventional food? Analysis of consumer preferences

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    683. Is there a real difference between conventional and organic meat? Investigating consumers' attitudes towards both meat types as an indicator of organic meat's market potential

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    684. Issues affecting the national soybean promotion program

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    685. Issues concerning public awareness and attitudes towards genetically modified bananas and tropical fruits

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    686. Issues facing domestic commodity research and promotion programs

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    690. It's risky to put too much faith in any one theory of how human beings behave

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    691. Japan's consumers shun food from modified crops in grocery stores, their decisions could affect U.S. farmers

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    692. Jersey fresh boosts demand for fruits and vegetables

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    697. Knowledge, attitude and practice of the use of irradiated meat among respondents to the foodnet population survey in Connecticut and New York

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    698. Knowledge, understanding and behaviors when feeding young children: insights from U.S. parents and caregivers

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