"It is not the job of an ag news broadcaster or agricultural journalist to be an 'advocate'." ..."covering all sides of a story is a responsibility for any reporter."
USA: National Association of Farm Broadcasting, Platte City, Missouri.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12078
2 pgs., Online from the publisher. 2 pages., Obituary involving a former farm broadcaster who served as NAFB president in 1984 and as NAFB Historian for nine years.
UI Library subscription., Introduction of Gary Truitt and Joe Cornely as new inductees into the Hall of Fame of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB).
Via online. 1 page., Announcement of Leigh Radford, retired national head of rural and national programs with Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Regional, as recipient of the 2019 Order of Australia Medal(OAM).