Zagonel, Anissa (author), Baker, Lauri M. (author), King, Audrey E.H. (author), and Kansas State University
Oklahoma State University
Association for Communication Excellence
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: New Prairie Press
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 15 Document Number: D10433
15 pages., Via online journal., Investment of employees in a brand can lead to greater public understanding and positive impressions of a brand by external stakeholders. However, this can be challenging in public organizations with multiple brand segments and a large number of employees spread across great distance with limited funds for marketing. While previous work has looked at Extension agents, faculty, and volunteers’ brand perceptions, no studies have looked at communication services employees’ investment in the brand. The purpose of this qualitative study was to discover how well employees in a university and Extension printing and mail entity understood the Extension brand and their investment in the brand. Research questions that guided this study were: 1) What perceptions and investment do communication services employees have in the Extension brand? And 2) what are employees’ perceptions of the organization’s branding and marketing efforts? Each of the 18 interviews included a series of questions focusing on employees’ story related to Extension and employees’ thoughts on branding and marketing efforts. Results in this study with communication services employees indicate these employees are not invested in the brand with the majority having little to no understanding of the mission of Extension. This contradicts previous research with employees in other brand segments of Extension. Implications of this work include a need for training on the Extension mission for communication services employees, a shift in culture to encourage investment in the brand, and inclusion of all Extension employees in the mission of Extension.
15 pages, The current study applied a “mixture-amount modeling” statistical approach—used most often in biology, agriculture, and food science—to measure the impact of advertising effort and allocation across different media. The authors of the current paper believe advertisers can use the mixture-amount model to detect optimal advertising-mix allocation changes as a function of their total advertising effort. The researchers demonstrated the use of the model by analyzing Belgian magazine and television data on 34 advertising campaigns for beauty-care brands. The goal is to help advertisers maximize desirable outcomes for campaign recognition and brand interest.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 130 Document Number: D11291
3 pages., Online from the Center for Food Integrity, Gladstone, Missouri, USA., Summary of findings from a new study focused on "The 25 most trusted brands in America" from Morning Consult. Results showed reductions in food-related food marketers in the list, among older to younger consumer segments.
Posted at, Describes a campaign by the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council to encourage public acceptance of bio-based fuel.
12 pages., Article 452, Via online journal., Storytelling is a mode of communication in human interaction and is pervasive in everyday life. Storytelling in marketing is also a managerial application as a marketing strategy. Researchers of consumer psychology and marketing have devoted great efforts to developing theories and conducting empirical studies on this approach. However, in addition to narrative theories, many researchers are mainly concerned about the effect of telling a good brand story and its applications, such as advertising design and presentation. However, for those products that usually lacks branding, such as agricultural products, knowledge remains scarce about the relative impact of storytelling in marketing. Few researchers have explicitly developed a valid tool for measuring the effect of storytelling in marketing. To aid storytelling research in consumer psychology, this article conceptualized a construct of the effectiveness of storytelling in agricultural marketing and developed a measure with further validation. This scale consisted of 13 items with four subscales: narrative processing, affect, brand attitude, and purchase intention. The findings of this study supported a structural model with strong order among the four dimensions and good model fit. A discussion of the results and the theoretical and practical implications for consumer psychology and marketing practice are also addressed.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 191 Document Number: D02959
International Public Relations Association. Article 112. 4 pages., Case report of an award winning public relations project by Komili Olive Oils. It involved development of an open-air olive oil museum at the Klazomenai archeological site.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 197 Document Number: D09524
Farm Equipment Manufacturers Association via AgriMarketing Weekly. 1 page., Results of a farmer survey conducted by Ag Equipment Intelligence and Farm Equipment magazine.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D11940
Online via AgriMarketing Weekly. 1 page., Syngenta Group "unites the strengths of its four Business Units - Syngenta Crop Protection, Syngenta Seeds, ADAMA, and Syngenta Group China - under one umbrella."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 153 Document Number: D11607
21 pages., Online from Think Shift Communications, San Francisco, California, via AgriMarketing Weekly., "While the industry hs never been a stranger to change, it seems increasingly certain that we are currently in the greatest state of evolution - maybe even revolution - that ag has ever faced."