Via online by keyword search. Open access., Counsel from a biology teacher about the dilemma of helping students and other "non-experts" assess complex subjects. "The citizen must assess the evidence - not the scientific evidence, but the social evidence for credibility. First, can one trust the source of information? ... If that is relatively secure, one can then take the next step 'backwards' to assess the credibility of the expert or person making the claims. Known experts and media with confirmed track records are ideal, of course. But frequently we must settle for indirect evidence. ... For the consumer interested in reliable knowledge, one must find the thread that one can trust. Robust agreement, when available, helps."
Online from the University of Illinois online catalog - article search via Wiley Online Library., Authors summarize advantages of demonstration in the realm of conservation science, connecting researchers with users. They also suggest four actions to connect science to the needs of resource managers via demonstration.
Online via keyword search of UI Library eCatalog and Open access., Author offers "practical advice for developing, delivering and evaluating effective science communication initiatives, based on over a decade of experience as being a professional science communicator."