19 pages, This paper describes a multimodal brochure assignment in an undergraduate animal science subject with a mixed cohort of animal science and veterinary science students. The assignment involved group work and peer feedback that allowed students to improve their brochures prior to submission. Support for the communication aspects of the assignment was developed by a teaching team consisting of the subject lecturer and two lecturers with a specialisation in academic language and learning. This support consisted of a rubric containing detailed communication rows, and annotated brochures illustrating written and visual features of this unfamiliar assignment genre. At the end of the subject, students were surveyed to seek their feedback on the usefulness of the assignment, the rubric (especially the detailed communication rows), the annotated brochures, and the peer review process. Results were highly positive, with students seeing value in this type of assignment for developing their communication skills. Students reported benefits in both giving and receiving (and using) peer feedback to improve their brochures. While giving feedback was considered to be helpful for enhancing both communication and understanding of the rubric, receiving feedback was mostly seen as beneficial for the purposes of editing and proofreading. Students reported that the main challenges of the assignment were in being concise and tailoring the language of the brochure to the target audience. The results suggest that while the support was viewed as very helpful, students may need more explicit and scaffolded guidance in tailoring their communication for a non-academic audience in a multimodal genre.
Hausmann, Anna (author), Slotow, Rob (author), Di Minin, Enrico (author), Toivonen,Tuuli (author), Heikinheimo, Vuokko (author), and Tenkanen, Henrikki (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
UK: Nature Portfolio
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 207 Document Number: D13088
9 pages, Charismatic megafauna are arguably considered the primary attractor of ecotourists to sub-Saharan African protected areas. However, the lack of visitation data across the whole continent has thus far prevented the investigation of whether charismatic species are indeed a key attractor of ecotourists to protected areas. Social media data can now be used for this purpose. We mined data from Instagram, and used generalized linear models with site- and country-level deviations to explore which socio-economic, geographical and biological factors explain social media use in sub-Saharan African protected areas. We found that charismatic species richness did not explain social media usage. On the other hand, protected areas that were more accessible, had sparser vegetation, where human population density was higher, and that were located in wealthier countries, had higher social media use. Interestingly, protected areas with lower richness in non-charismatic species had more users. Overall, our results suggest that more factors than simply charismatic species might explain attractiveness of protected areas, and call for more in-depth content analysis of the posts. With African countries projected to develop further in the near-future, more social media data will become available, and could be used to inform protected area management and marketing.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 181 Document Number: C36378
Drovers CattleNetwork via online. 3 pages., Author comments about a CNN Eatocracy feature that included an observation that the 4-H organization serves to desensitize children to the suffering of animals.
Interviews with animal rights advocates prompt author to suggest that a satisfactory resolution of the debate over the use of animals can only emerge in an atmosphere of respect, communication and mutual understanding rather than through the "argumentation is war" model.
Hill, Jackie (author), Mobly, Mallory (author), and McKim, Billy R. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 138 Document Number: D05795
Paper presented in the Agricultural Communications Section of the annual conference of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists, Atlanta, Georgia, January 31-February 1, 2015. 22 pages.