Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 12 Document Number: D10405
4 pages., Online from Australian Broadcasting Corporation website., During a severe drought, a Queensland grazier decided to share her story on a social media post that included distressing images of livestock. Unintended consequences included accusations of animal abuse and investigation by Biosecurity Queensland.
4 pages., Online from publication website., Describes experimentation with slow-growth meat breeds of chickens. Article includes references to implications for marketing communications; consumer attitudes and preferences; and consumer responses to higher retail costs for slow-growth poultry meat.
17 pages., Online by open access via, Researchers used a content analysis of randomly sampled advocacy group websites to evaluate the communication strategies and media relations efforts of these organizations. Results indicated that most of the "Stop AETA" coalition members "did little to educate the public about the legislation much less advocate for its defeat." They revealed limited use of online press rooms and creation of dialogue with key stakeholders.
21 pages., Online via UI e-subscription, "This paper exposes the failure of government institutions to protect animals on factory farms while simultaneously silencing what is currently the only available mechanism for Americans to learn about abuse on factory farms. It also explores the Constitutional implications of Ag-Gag laws.
Via online November-December issue. "The Front Gate" section., Cites a new information campaign of the Beef Quality Assurance program as an effective way to counter much of the misinformation about new plant-based and cell-cultured products that challenge the stewardship of the cattle industry.