Schurig, Thomas (author / Head, Agriculture / Agricultural Research and Rural Development Section, Ministry for Economic Cooperation of the Federal Republic of Germany and Acting Chairman of the SPAAR)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 92 Document Number: C06824
AGRICOLA IND 89004864, In: Pickering, Donald C., ed. African agricultural research and technological development : proceedings of a high-level meeting in Feldafing, Federal Republic of Germany, September 24-27, 1987. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1988. p. 140-144.
Holt, J.E. (author), Schoorl, D. (author), and Holt: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia; Schoorl: Redlands Horticultural Research Station, Ormiston, Queensland, Australia
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 83 Document Number: C05110
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C20449
Pages 36-49 in Michael P. Collinson and Kerri Wright Platais (eds.), Social science in the CGIAR. CGIAR Study Paper No. 28, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. Proceedings of a meeting of CGIAR social scientists held at the International Service for Nation, "The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is an informal associatioin of 40 public and private sector donors that supports a network of 18 international agricultural research centers."
15pgs, Agriculture is crucial in catering to the increasing demand for food and employment. Thus, adoption of novel technologies is important. Many scientists have developed different theories and models explaining the process of behavioral change relevant to adoption. They are either completely different, similar, or improvements of previously developed models. Therefore, compilation and summarization of these theories and models will support future studies and researchers. Thus, an analysis of literature on technology adoption was conducted. The review was prepared based on literature from various sources spanning around 50 years. The theories and models identified by different studies were compiled and analyzed in this review paper. Many theories and models in agricultural technology adoption such as transtheoretical model, theory of reasoned action, theory of interpersonal behavior, model for innovation-decision process, different versions of technology acceptance model, theory of planned behavior, theory of diffusion of innovation, task-technology fit, technology readiness, unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, expectancy livelihood model, social cognitive theory, and perceived characteristics of innovating theory were compiled. Each theory and model has its own uniqueness, which had explained different aspects of technology adoption process and factors determining the behavioral change. These theories and models included affecting factors such as technological, personal, social, and economical factors. In conclusion, it can be stated that, rather than having a single theory or a model, an integrated and amalgamated form will be more explanatory for technology adoption.
Muringai, Violet (author) and Goddard, Ellen (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 172 Document Number: D09423
Posted presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association annual meeting,
Chicago, Illinois, July 30-August 1, 2017. 1 page., Results of an online survey among consumers in Canada.