Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 134 Document Number: D11401
30 pages., Online via website., "Despite the growing use of genetically modified crops over the past 20 years, most Americans say they know only a little about GM foods. And many people appear to hold 'soft' views about the health effects of GM foods, saying they are not sure about whether such foods are better or worse for one's health. ... a majority of Americans perceive disagreement in the scientific community over whether or not GM foods are safe to eat. And, only a minority of Americans perceive scientists as having a strong understanding of the health risks and benefits of GM foods."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 133 Document Number: D11398
17 pages., Online via website., A national survey among U.S. adults explored public thinking about scientists and their research on GM food. "In broad strokes, the survey shows that Americans believe the public is paying more attention to health eating today than they did 20 years ago. But, it is not clear to the public whether people are actually eating healthier today. ... About half of U.S. adults think the eating habits of Americans are less healthy today than they were 20 years ago and most point the blame at both the quantity and quality of what people eat."
Online from publication. 5 pages., Summary of a survey among U.S. consumers, performed by Aimpoint Research for The Packer. Findings suggested that the lack of a concrete definition of sustainability points to the need to earn consumers' trust regarding the food industry.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 133 Document Number: D11393
15 pages., Online research report., Reports findings of a survey of 3,627 U.S. adults, October 1-13, 2019. Democrats mostly agreed the federal government should do more on climate, while Republicans differed by ideology, age and gender