Via online journal., Recent developments in shrimp culture have resulted in the entry of high-quality, lower priced shrimp into the Japanese market, displacing the Australian product from its previously competitive position. The response of producers in Australia has been to form the Australian Prawn Promotion Association (APPA). An inspection of the literature suggests that demand-, product-, market-, and producer-related factors are thought necessary for successful promotion of agricultural and seafood products. In an attempt to analyze these factors, research was conducted in Japan in April and August 1991. Information for the study was gained from a review of the available literature and from interviews with the staff of a wide cross-section of companies and other organizations involved in the Japanese shrimp industry. It was found that: 1. the prospects of an APPA-style promotional campaign aimed at reducing the price elasticity of demand appear poor, and 2. there are few opportunities to differentiate Australian product effectively.