Agrarian values traditionally have been linked with farm families. Using data from a survey of Wisconsin farm spouses, this article explores the relationship between the identification of farm husbands and farm wives with agrarian values and related sex role orientations and position in the social structure of agriculture. As in previous studies, a commercial/refugist dimension of variation in agrarian identities was found. Depending on the structure of farm household organization, there also was substantial support for a much wider range of agrarian and non-agrarian identities than previously supposed. This was particularly so for farm wives. The change from lifestyles dependent on farming activities to those not dependent on agriculture has been central to the growing diversity in farm spouse roles and self-perceptions. Future studies need to consider three distinctive sets of value-orientations associated with traditional business, and property-holding lifestyles. (author)
4 pages., Article #:3TOT9, via online journal., The Wisconsin Master Gardener Program team used the Google+ Community platform to provide an engaging online discussion forum for asynchronous continuing education experiences. Applications of such a tool for volunteer online education have numerous benefits, including the capacity for asynchronous posting, ease of posting, privacy options, wide availability, and the potential for internal troubleshooting.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 199 Document Number: D09925
NCR-90 Collection, From Document D09924, "Department of agricultural journalism University of Wisconsin-Madison: Faculty and graduate student research, 1990". Page 3.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 94 Document Number: C07125
James F. Evans Collection, In: Report of research completed during the past year. Department of Agricultural Journalism, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Prepared for NCR-90 meeting, Oct. 26-28, 1988. Mimeograph, 1988. p. 4
food safety, AGRICOLA FNI 92002455, The assessment of public food safety perceptions is described in this article. The survey was conducted by the Lacrosse County Food Safety Advisory Committee so steps could be taken to offer education on food safety issues in the community. (original)
Gould, Brian W. (author), Klemme, Richard M. (author), Saupe, William E. (author), and Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Madison, WI : University of Wisconsin Press
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 87 Document Number: C05803