175 p., Focuses on the lives of enslaved women in the Caribbean and their resistance to bondage. Caribbean enslaved women exhibited their strong character, independence and exceptional self worth through their opposition to the tasks they performed in the fields on plantations. Resistance was expressed in many different rebellious ways including not getting married, refusing to reproduce, and through various other forms as part of their open physical resistance. Identifies the role enslaved women in both the Caribbean and the USA played in major uprisings, revolts, and rebellions during their enslavement period.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
374 p., This volume's transnational mixture, along with its use of creative analytical approaches, challenges existing paradigms and summons new models for studying women, religions, and diasporic shiftings across time and space. Includes "É a senzala: slavery, women, and embodied knowledge in Afro-Brazilian Candomblé" by Rachel Elizabeth Harding, "'I smoothed the way; I opened doors': women in the Yoruba-Orisha tradition of Trinidad' by Tracey E. Hucks, and "Joining the African diaspora: migration and diasporic religious culture among the Garifuna in Honduras and New York" by Paul Christopher Johnson.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
346 p, Contents: 1. The Search for Origins: Women and the Division of Labour during Slavery and Indentureship -- 2. 'A Woman's Place': Colonial Ideology and the Reality of Women's Work 1898-1938 -- 3. The Politics of Sex, Race and Class -- 4. The Early Labour Movement -- 5. Women and Labour Struggles: 1900-1938 -- 6. The Early Women's Movement -- 7. The War and Post-War Economy and the Rise of the Middle Strata: 1939-1960 -- 8. Post-War Welfare Policy and 'Women's Work' -- 9. The Post-War Women's Movement: 1939-62 -- 10. Responsible Trade Unionism and the Woman Worker: 1939-62 -- 11. Constitutional Change and the New Nationalist Politics -- Chronology of Trade Union Development: 1919-1960