Bagi, F.S. (author), Bagi, S.K. (author), and Bagi, F.S.: Associate Professor, Department of Rural Development, Tennessee State University; Bagi, S.K.: Lecturer, Department of Economics, Vanderbilt University
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Columbus, OH : Ohio State University
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 87 Document Number: C05804
AGRICOLA IND 89054651, Since our sample includes both types of farmers who have and who have not contacted extension agents during the year, a Tobit model has been used to estimate the demand for extension service. The results show that the demand for extension service is directly related to the level of farm assets, farming experience, and level of education. The demand for extension service is significantly higher for white farmers as compared to black farmers, ceteris paribus.
AGRICOLA IND 88006859, On 419ha in the south of the USA a wide range of agricultural crops, techniques, equipment, produce and inputs is being demonstrated at 'Agricenter International'. The author, who is President of the project, describes the aims, financing and facilities of the centre, where virtually every US crop except citrus is being grown. The establishment has been built up from a green site over the past seven years, and its international nature is already being recognized in visits, conferences and demonstrations.
3 pages, Various food programs present opportunities for marketing local food in Tennessee. Health-conscious consumers prefer the health benefits of local food over processed foods. To satisfy consumer demand, local restaurants are utilizing the services of local food vendors. Conventional grocery stores are broadening their food aisles to accommodate locally produced foods. Using data collected from an online survey of 250 producers, this research update reports on opportunities for marketing local foods in Tennessee.