International: Two Sides North America, Inc., Chicago, Illinois.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 143 Document Number: D11534
16 pages., Online from publisher website., "This survey provides insight into how consumers around the globe view, prefer and trust paper and print, from reading for leisure or gaining information to news or marketing collateral." Findings based on a representative international survey of more than 10,700 consumers in 10 countries.
Specht, Kathrin (author), Sanyé-Mengual, Esther (author), and Institute of Socio-Economics, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Eberswalder Straße 84, 15374, Müncheberg, Germany
Faculty of Life Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 10099 Berlin, Germany
Research Center in Urban Environment for Agriculture and Biodiversity (Rescue-AB), Department of Agricultural Sciences (DIPSA), Università di Bologna, Viale Fanin 44, 40127 Bologna, Italy
Journal article
Publication Date:
International: Elsevier Ltd.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 163 Document Number: D08151
21 pages., Article #:2659, via online journal., Urban gardens are continuously negotiated, contested, and remade. One of the primary
ways that these spaces are negotiated is through the ways that communities self-organise to manage
them. Drawing on critical urban scholarship, this article explores the ways in which the dynamics of self-organisation in urban gardens both shape and are shaped by the spatial development of the sites. Reflecting on two cycles of participatory video-making with urban gardeners in Seville, Spain, the article specifically examines how the motivations of the gardeners and the issue of communication influence the dynamic relationship between self-organisation and the spatial development of gardens.
13 pages, The Internet has undoubtedly had an impact on society and brought about considerable changes in the world economy. Social media are prominent among the applications hosted by the Internet. To organisations that make use of them, they present a series of challenges and opportunities that can lead to enhanced business performance and local and regional development. Given the foregoing, the Delphi method was used to assess the impact of social media on product marketing in the Spanish olive oil sector. The findings of this study, based on expert opinion, point to the potential of social media, which in turn makes it necessary to plan for their use.
20 pages., via online journal., This article analyses whether different institutional sources of scientific information have an impact on its credibility. Through a population-based survey experiment of a national representative sample of the Spanish public, we measure the credibility that citizens attribute to scientific information on the evolution of CO2 emissions disclosed by different institutional sources (business associations, government, non-government environmental organisations, international bodies and national research institutions). The findings show that an institutional credibility gap exists in science communication. We also investigate the factors accounting for the credibility of the different institutional sources by examining variables related to knowledge, interest, trust, reputation, deference, attitudes, values and personal characteristics. Exploratory regression analyses reveal that identical variables can produce different effects on the credibility of scientific information, depending on the institutional source to which it is attributed.