Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 198 Document Number: D09695
Delmar Hatesohl Collection. Full thesis is located in the University of Missouri Depository. Call number: 378.7 M71 XB3395, Chapter II (pages 10-39)in this thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of a Master of Arts degree, University of Missouri, Columbia. 182 pages.
Describes the history and current status of the Master Farmer program used by Standard Farm Papers to recognize outstanding farmers in their circulation areas (21 states).
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes4 Document Number: D01489
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, Caribbean agricultural research & development institute (CARDI) University Campus, St. Augustine, Trinidad and USAID regional development office for the caribbean (RDO/C) Bridgetown, Barbados. Rural Development Division, Office of Rural Development, 54 pages
Article in online issue from publisher. 4 pages., Featured past president of the American Agricultural Editors' Association describes his career path in agricultural journalism, including 37 years with Progressive Farmer magazine, retiring as executive editor.
Online from publisher via membership. 5 pages., AAEA member Thomas Dodge chronicles his prolific photojournalism career in his new book, with emphasis on his agricultural/rural photography for Farm Journal, Progressive Farmer, Successful Farming, and other periodicals.