Examines welfare-reliant, female heads of households and the barriers they face in their attempts to obtain employment. Almost all the Latina respondents spoke only Spanish and were born in South or Central America, Cuba, or the West Indies. The study challenges the assumptions on which the Temporary Assistance for Need Families operates, including its political origins and its current regulations that mandate time limits on assistance in spite of persistent national economic problems.
Clemens,Michael (Author) and Velayudhan,Tejaswi (Author)
Publication Date:
Oct 2011
Center for Global Development
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
4 p., The United States should take modest steps to create a legal channel for limited numbers of people fleeing natural disasters overseas to enter the United States. This would address two related problems: the lack of any systematic US policy to help the growing numbers of people displaced across borders by natural disasters and the inability of US humanitarian relief efforts to reduce systemic poverty or sustainably improve victims' livelihoods. The aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake presents a compelling case study of the administrative and legislative ways the US government could address both problems. Migration is already a proven and powerful force for reducing Haitians' poverty. A few modest changes in the US approach could greatly aid Haiti's recovery.
Examines the impact of remittances on the schooling of children in various Haitian communities with a high incidence of out-migration. In some communities remittances raise school attendance for all children regardless of whether they have household members abroad. In other communities this effect is observed only among children living in households that do not experience any family out-migration.
Nomination form and submission materials for 2003 APA Illinois Chapter Annual Awards.
2003 Award Winner: Plan
ILAPA 2003 Awards Program Nomination Form (Nominator: David Dixon) and submission materials included.
While at its inception, the revolutionary ideals of the newly formed nation called Haiti held great promise, the reality as understood today detracts from this plesant image . Still , our rituals and their symbolic associations mirror these revolutionary ideals. For example, soup joummou, the New Year's and Independence Day celebratory pumpkin soup, signifies the communion of equals through the consumption of the once forbidden delicacy reserved for the colonial masters. Today, as family and friends gather around the dinner table, we are clearly proud of our freedom and accomplishments, yet know that there are countless Haitians who are hungry, sleeping under tents. Two hundred and eight years after independence, many Haitians live in abject poverty and have no rights as humans.
Poverty and suffering are nothing new to the brave Haitian people. They have survived the hellish reign of the murderous dictator Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier and, later, his son, Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Dulavier. They have lived through the nightmare of one military coup after another, barely existing at lower than subsistence levels. They have had to pay ransom money to France because they dared to fight for their freedom.
50 p., Examines the impact of labor market trends on poor families. Revised and updated version of the authors' study, Pobreza y mercado de trabajo en el Gran Santiago.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Workshop on Demographic Change and Social Policy in Latin America ; (2009 : Washington, D.C.)., 286 p, Latin America and the Caribbean will soon face the challenges of an aging population. This process, which took over a century in the rich world, will occur in two or three decades in the developing world; seven of the 25 countries that will age more rapidly are in LAC. Population aging will pose challenges and offer opportunities.