Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C17254
Pages 151-158 in Carine Alders, Bertus Haverkort and Laurens van Veldhuizen (eds.), Linking with farmers: networking for low-external-input and sustainable agriculture. Intermediate Technology Publications, London, UK. 298 pages.
429 p., Founded in 1969 in Lima, Perú Negro is now the most widely recognized Afro-Peruvian dance and music company. In order to emphasize the black presence in a nation that has dominantly narrated itself as mestizo, Perú Negro has produced representations of blackness that are grounded both on the history of slavery and on Diasporic idealizations of Africanness. While meant to value blackness through its music and dance performance, Perú Negro’s representations have contributed to romanticize the slave past and essentialize the African roots. This is made clear in the group’s concept of “family” upon which Perú Negro has relied to define who can and cannot belong to the group as well as who is capable of performing blackness.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 180 Document Number: C36224
Section 5 in Don Richardson and Lynnita Paisley (eds.), The first mile of connectivity, Communication for Development, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. Via online. 10 pages.
Pagliaro,Harold E. (Author) and American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Author)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
Cleveland, OH: Press of Case Western Reserve University
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
468 p, Includes Leon G. Campbell's "Racism without race: ethnic group relations in late colonial peru," pp. 323-333; and David Lowenthal's "Free colored West Indians: a racial dilemma";
Reviews books on Latin American slavery. Includes Slavery and Abolition in Early Republican Peru, by Peter Blanchard; Slave Women in Caribbean Society, ,1650-1838, by Barbara Bush; Slavery and the Rise of the Atlantic System, edited by Barbara L. Solow.;
Paucar, Raul Santana (author), Zambrano, Gloria Miranda (author), and Grupo Talpuy, Apartado 222, Huancayo, Peru; Grupo Talpuy, Apartado 222, Huancayo, Peru
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Clearinghouse on Development communication, 1815 N. Fort Meyer Dr., Suite 600, Arlington, VA
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 90 Document Number: C06357