15 pages, Background
In traditional food systems, especially those of rural populations around the world, wild food plants remain crucial. These resources need to be urgently documented to lay the foundations for sustainable livelihoods and food security.
In the present field study, we gathered information about wild food plants and mushrooms consumed by four ethnic groups (Turis, Khushis, Hazaras, and Christians) living in Kurram District, NW Pakistan, by conducting semi-structured interviews and holding group discussions.
A total of 57 wild edible plants and mushrooms were reported, with the documented taxa belonging to 50 genera and 34 families. Turis reported the highest number of wild food plants (41), followed by Hazaras (37), Khushis (35), and then Christians, who reported only 11 plants. The most dominant families were Rosaceae, followed by Polygonaceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Moraceae, and Plantaginaceae. The comparative analysis we conducted with the pre-existing Pakistani ethnobotanical studies revealed that 23 wild edible plants have not been previously reported as food items in the area under study, which included Fragaria nubicola, Lepidium draba, Pinus wallichiana, Podophyllum emodi, Prunus jacquemontii, Sambucus nigra, Sideroxylon mascatense, and Thymus linearis. Four wild edible mushrooms are also reported for the area for the first time: Calvatia gigantea, Morchella esculenta, Pisolithus albus, and Tulostoma squamosum. The cross-cultural analysis of wild edible plants and their uses revealed remarkable similarity between Khushis and Hazaras. The overlapping pattern of wild edible plant use among these two groups, as well as Turis, confirms the existence of cross-cultural interactions among these communities, which have shared the same environmental and socio-cultural space for several decades. Food heritage and some unique dishes are linked to wild edible plants in the area, such as Zamda, prepared by Turis, and Saba, famous among Khushis and Hazaras.
This study suggests that some wild edible plants could be cultivated to protect a few threatened species from overexploitation, while the overall wild food plant heritage should be promoted and revitalized; for example, within educational platforms aimed at improving the wellbeing of local communities and the global ecological transition we must deal with.
11 pages., via online journal., Dependence of rural population on traditional fuel sources namely biomass has increased because of easy accessibility and affordability. The use of biomass fuels results in many environmental and health-related hazards. Rural households have little awareness about the ill effects of using biomass energy sources. This study investigated the patterns of rural household energy use and identified the role of information on the effects of biomasses on human health, in addition to other factors influencing households’ choices of energy sources. For this purpose, primary data from 196 households were collected from four districts of the Punjab province in Pakistan. Results showed that use of clean energy sources was limited to basic appliances and 90% of the respondents depended on biomass fuels. Estimates of the multivariate probit model showed that awareness about adverse impacts of biomass fuels as energy sources were significantly related with the choice of energy sources. Further, household head’s education level, household income, landholding, children under the age of 5 years and higher number of adult females were significantly related with the cleaner energy source choices. Distance to market increased the probability of the use of biomass energy sources. The study concluded that awareness campaigns regarding the benefits of using clean energy sources should be launched through print and electronic media while targeting rural women.
9pgs, This research was conducted in Swabi district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with the aims to study the knowledge of farmers and to evaluate the perceptions of the farmers about Climate Change (CC). To accomplish these objectives primary data was collected from 98 randomly selected farmers by structure questionnaire through face to face interview method and was analysed by using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that majority (93%) of farmers were aware of CC phenomena and perceived changes in temperature (89%) and precipitation (86%) during the last decade. Crop diversification, soil and water management practices and application of necessary farm inputs were the farmer’s preferred adaptive strategies to CC. Barriers to adaptive strategies were the ineffective government support, lack of capital, information and extension services, traditional beliefs and high cost of farm inputs. The study concludes that climate is changing and the farmers are practicing different adaptive strategies to overcome this problem, but still there is a space for more scientifically verified strategies which can boost the farmer’s productivity and increased the overall wellbeing for the future sustainability of farming.
Via online journal, Purpose: Rural advisory services ensure agricultural information is disseminated to rural populations, yet they are less accessible to women. This research provides insight on gender differences in information access by investigating frequency of use and preference of agricultural information sources by gender in a rural setting, differentiated according to literacy and age. Design/Methodology/approach: This study interviewed 401 male/female individuals in farm households in Jhang and Bahawalpur district of Punjab, Pakistan in 2016. Findings: Men and women farmers’ use and preferences in accessing information sources are extremely different. Women hardly use sources for agricultural information, and value interpersonal communication from informal sources. In contrast, men use and value official agencies more. Radio, surprisingly, was very rarely used, contradicting previous findings of research elsewhere. Age and literacy affect differences between women more than it does between men, particularly for convenient locations to access information. Practical implications The study identified and refined major gender differences regarding use and preference for agricultural information in relation to age and literacy, and helps to articulate options to improve gender equality of access to agricultural information in Pakistan. Theoretical implications: The focus and outcomes regarding gender intersecting with age and literacy in agricultural information access imply the need for more refined socio-economic models, discerning and interrelating gender and other social dimensions beyond the standard of male-headed households. Originality/value: This paper adds to the growing body of evidence on information access according to gender, highlighting the need to investigate deeper socio-cultural issues around age and literacy.
6 pages., via online journal., The role of media in agricultural sector in Pakistan is considerably high and in case of Punjab its role becomes manifold. In such a backdrop, this study was carried out to explore the relevance and effectiveness of media (TV and Radio) for farmers in providing agricultural information. The effectiveness of media was assessed by investigating the access to and availability of the sources used, frequency, preferred medium (language) of the source and the coverage of factors affecting agricultural productivity by the source. For this purpose, District Nankana Sahib of Punjab was selected. Multistage sampling technique was employed to select two tehsils (Shahkot and Sangla Hill) of Nankana Sahib randomly. Further, five villages from these two tehsils were selected conveniently and 90 farmers were approached employing convenient sampling technique. The findings imply that TV and Radio subscribers are considerably high but the usage of media for agriculture information is not as effective as it should be. The study revealed that most of the participants had access to TV and radio but preferred brochures, pamphlets, newspapers, agents of pesticide companies and fellow farmers for acquiring relevant information. Most of the agricultural information delivered through TV and radio was in Urdu while the participants showed their preference for Punjabi or local language as a medium of such information. As for coverage of factors affecting agricultural productivity, weather forecast, plant protection measures, livestock and sowing methods were given extensive coverage while machinery and crop variety were slightly covered.
Kamran, M. (author), Anjum, M. (author), Rehman, M. (author), Kamran, M. Asif (author), Saleemi, F. (author), and Department of Computer Science, Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Government College Women University, Sialkot, Pakistan
Journal article
Publication Date:
Pakistan: Asianet-Pakistan
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 164 Document Number: D08242
8 pages., The present study was conducted in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP)-Pakistan. Three districts were randomly selected from zone C i.e. Peshawar, Swabi and Mardan with the objective to investigate the information sources of extension agents, views of extension agents on adoption constraints and the extension methods used by them. All agricultural officers and 40% of field assistants were interviewed making a sample of 81 extension agents; 10 agricultural officers and 71 field assistants. The study results indicate that 77% field assistants were educated up to Matric with two years diploma while 10% agricultural officers had M.Sc. (Hons) degree with the majority of extension agents having job experience of more than 20 years. The main sources of information for the majority (79%) of extension agents were extension publications and training. Extension agents viewed that poverty (49%), expensive inputs (21%) and illiteracy (16%) were the main adoption constraints faced by farmers. Majority (86%) extension agents reported that the extension services are farmer friendly. The most appropriate teaching methods were group meetings (38%) and method demonstration (24%), while the most frequently used method for farmers contact was individual contact method (63%) as identified by extension agents. Non- significant association exist between diffusion of improved practices with adoption constraints and best teaching method used, while significant association exist with frequently used contact method. It is recommended that necessary inputs on subsidised rates should be provided to extension agents to make extension services more farmers friendly.
Personal interviews with 336 small-acreage sugarcane growers indicated that less than half had any knowledge of the public extension services available. Growers who were aware of extension services and sought information from extension achieved substantially higher average yields than growers who did not. Authors recommended that the Pakistan government review current extension services and consider strengthening them.
Online from UI Library subscription., Study examined interpersonal influence during the diffusion of agricultural innovation in a rural district of Pakistan. Findings revealed that interpersonal communication had a major role in agricultural activities, particularly that farmers were motivated through face-to-face discussion.