Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: Byrnes8 Document Number: D09069
Includes Documents C12667 "Setting minds in motion in the developing world" and C12668 "Training for agricultural research in Pakistan". In 4 folders in the box., Francis C. Byrnes Collection
15 pages., Online via UI e-subscription., Data from Pakistan prompt the author to suggest that underlying community characteristics and/or social interactions may be driving both the performance of water user associations and on-farm water use efficiency.
Coggins, Sam (author), McCampbell, Mariette (author), Sharma, Akriti (author), Sharma, Rama (author), Haefele, Stephen (author), Karki, Emma (author), Hetherington, Jack (author), Smith, Jeremy (author), and Brown, Brendan (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: Elsevier
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 204 Document Number: D12486
10 pages, Digital extension tools (DETs) include phone calls, WhatsApp groups and specialised smartphone applications used for agricultural knowledge brokering. We researched processes through which DETs have (and have not) been used by farmers and other extension actors in low- and middle-income countries. We interviewed 40 DET developers across 21 countries and 101 DET users in Bihar, India. We found DET use is commonly constrained by fifteen pitfalls (unawareness of DET, inaccessible device, inaccessible electricity, inaccessible mobile network, insensitive to digital illiteracy, insensitive to illiteracy, unfamiliar language, slow to access, hard to interpret, unengaging, insensitive to user's knowledge, insensitive to priorities, insensitive to socio-economic constraints, irrelevant to farm, distrust). These pitfalls partially explain why women, less educated and less wealthy farmers often use DETs less, as well as why user-driven DETs (e.g. phone calls and chat apps) are often used more than externally-driven DETs (e.g. specialised smartphone apps). Our second key finding was that users often made - not just found - DETs useful for themselves and others. This suggests the word ‘appropriation’ conceptualises DET use more accurately and helpfully than the word ‘adoption’. Our final key finding was that developers and users advocated almost ubiquitously for involving desired users in DET provision. We synthesise these findings in a one-page framework to help funders and developers facilitate more useable, useful and positively impactful DETs. Overall, we conclude developers increase DET use by recognizing users as fellow developers – either through collaborative design or by designing adaptable DETs that create room for user innovation.
25 pages, The consumption of food production demand for quality of food and the environmental impact of agriculture have led to utilize the information and communication technology in the agricultural sector. The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a contemporary technology, which is evolving quickly in recent years and brings many benefits with it to modernize the agriculture. The scientific groups and research institutes are working to deliver clarifications and solutions for the use of IoT to address various aspects of agriculture. The focal point of this research is to present an SLR (Systematic Literature
Review) by collecting the valid and innovative research on IoT in agriculture which has been done during 2019 at School of System and Technology, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. This SLR has been conducted through research articles which were published in the prestigious venues from 2006 to 2019. In order to conduct this SLR concerned studies have been clustered into different classifications: type of the concerned research, empirical type, technological solutions for agriculture like monitoring, control, prediction, logistics and their sub-domains. Moreover, an IoT based framework of smart agriculture has been presented that indicate the current solutions of agricultural problems. The selected 80 research papers have been classified as per defined criteria. The findings of this research have been discussed in
detail and summarize the practice of IoT in agriculture.
15 pages, Information needs, surveys, extension agents, information seeking, small farmers, small farms, development, Pakistan(Southern Asia), This study investigated information behaviour of citrus farmers residing in rural areas of Sargodha, Pakistan. The data were collected from 120 adult male farmers through face to face interviews using preformulated questionnaire and analyzed by applying descriptive statistics. The citrus farmers required information on land preparation, soil fertility management, better citrus varieties, citrus trees protection, harvesting techniques, pest and diseases control, fertilizer applications, plantation techniques, finance, Government policies and programs, better pricing, labor information in the locality, agrochemicals, how to stop fruit drop, weather, irrigation management, pesticides application, health and safety information, buyers, collections and traders, and herbicide. These farmers relied overwhelmingly on their prior experience and interpersonal relationships such as fellow farmers/friends, progressive farmers, for agricultural information. More than two-third of these farmers did not seem to have any contact, either written or oral, with government agricultural officials. The farmers’ farm size, education, and income appeared to predict their information needs and sources. Lack of timely access, inaccessibility, unawareness, bad timing of television programs, poor economic conditions, infrequent visits of extension staff, low level of education and language barriers were the primary obstacles in information acquisition. The results will be helpful for extension agents and librarians of the public libraries in the area while making adjustments for efficient and effective information delivery. This study would make a contribution in the existing research on farmers’ crop-specific information behaviour.