Amos, R. (author), Bauer, G. (author), Pittman, M.I. (author), Ward, B.W. (author), and Ohio State University Extension - Ashland, Huron, and Richland counties
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 98 Document Number: C08052
James F. Evans Collection, In: The Information Age: what it means for extension and its constituents. Columbia, MO: Cooperative Extension Service, University of Missouri, 1994. (Proceedings of a North Central Region Extension workshop for marketing and management specialists, May 24-26, 1994, St. Louis, MO.) p. 187-197.
Bankston, J. (author / Agricultural Education, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C07937
abstracted from Ph.D. thesis, 1992; search through volume, In: Jacquelyn Deeds and Demetria Ford, eds. Summary of Research in Extension (1992-1993). Mississippi State, MS: Department of Agricultural Education and Experimental Statistics, Mississippi State University, July 1994. p. 91
Batte, Marvin T. (author), Jones, Eugene (author), Schnitkey, Gary D. (author), and Department of Agricultural and Rural Sociology, Ohio State University
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Experiment, GA : Southern Agricultural Economics Association.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 92 Document Number: C06729
AGRICOLA IND 91016420, Farm producers attempt to mitigate risk and uncertainty by utilizing accurate and reliable information. This research attempts to identify sources of information used by Ohio fruit producers and then determine which of these sources are best meeting their information needs. Results are based on a logic analysis of Ohio fruit producers and several factors are shown to influence producers' evaluation of the "adequacy" of their marketing information. Among these factors are age, business size, education, type of enterprise, and types of information sources. Reported findings have implications for marketing efficiency, particularly if producers' evaluation of information as adequate is positively related to its efficient use.
James F. Evans Collection, cited reference, Although computer technologies have evolved rapidly, farmers have been slow to adopt these technologies. This research identifies factors influencing farmers' adoption of computers and the number and type of applications for which the computer is used. Ohio commercial farmers were randomly sampled and analyzed using multinomial logit techniques. Results suggest that older farmers are less likely to adopt computers, less likely to find them useful, and make fewer applications of the computer in their business. Education level is positively associated with computer adoption and with increased number of applications made of the computer. (author)
Batte, Marvin T. (author), Carter, Bryson R. (author), and Carter: Assistant Professor, Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, The Ohio State University; Batte: Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, The Ohio State University
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 90 Document Number: C06363
Carter, Mimeographed, [1989]. 12 p., Farmers' perception of important farm management educational topics and a technique for identifying interested clientele for educational programs are presented. Income tax, input prices, year-end analysis and agricultural outlook were important topics. Operator age, tenancy, size of farm business, and farm enterprise type were important predictors of topic preference. (original)
Batte, Marvin T. (author), Botomogno, Jean (author), Jones, Eugene (author), Schnitkey, Gary (author), and Schnitkey, Batte, and Jones: Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, The Ohio State University; Botomogno: Department of Agricultural Economics, Dschang University Center, Cameroon
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 91 Document Number: C06520
James F. Evans Collection; AGRICOLA IND 92048494, Mathematical logic models were used to examine farmers' information preferences for marketing, production, and financial decisions. Dependent variables represented the preferred information source category: Cooperative Extension Service, printed, broadcast, specialist, and other sources. Independent variables included farm and business characteristics. In general, farmers preferred information from printed sources, and the Cooperative Extension Service ranked highly as an information source. Results did not support the contention that farmers are substituting specialist services for information received from the Cooperative Extension Service. (author)
Batte, Marvin T. (author), Jones, Eugene (author), Schnitkey, Gary D. (author), and Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Ohio State University.
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 92 Document Number: C06742
Batte, Marvin T. (author), Jones, Eugene (author), Schnitkey, Gary D. (author), and Agricultural Economics and Rural-Sociology, The Ohio State University; Agricultural Economics and Rural-Sociology, The Ohio State University; Agricultural Economics and Rural-Sociology, The Ohio State University
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 89 Document Number: C06120
Camboni, Silvana M. (author), Napier, Ted L. (author), Thraen, Cameron S. (author), and Napier: Professor of Development Sociology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Camboni: Development Officer, Research Foundation, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Thraen: Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Ankeny, IA : Soil Conservation Society of America.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 84 Document Number: C05292
Camboni, Silvana M. (author), Napier, Ted L. (author), and Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Journal article
Publication Date:
UK: Elsevier Science Publishers, London
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 96 Document Number: C07724
search through journal, Data were collected from 371 farmers is east central Ohio to assess how attitudes, personal characteristics, and farm structure factors influence use of soil conservation practices at the farm level. A diffusion-farm structure model was used to guide the study. The findings revealed that the theoretical perspective had limited utility for predicting use of several farming practices evaluated in the study. The best predictors were farm structure variables, which suggests that structural conditions of the existing farming system in the US are significant considerations int eh decision making process concerning the selection of specific farming practices. The implications of the study findings for future soil and water conservation efforts in the US are discussed. (original).
Coplin, Sharron (author), Medeiros, Lydia C. (author), Saddam, Alma M. (author), and Ohio State University. Columbus, OH
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C07874
James F. Evans Collection, Ham, Mimeographed, 1994. 1 p. Presented at the Society for Nutrition Education, Portland, OR, July 16-20, 1994., The adult population with reading levels below the fourth grade was identified through a Home Economics program needs assessment. Food and Nutrition specialists and professional staff developed a series of low literacy fact sheets covering nutrition, food safety, recipe preparation and food buying. Reading level of the fact sheets varies from third to sixth grade. The items were reviewed by the local literacy council and pilot tested with Adult Basic Education classes and at congregate meal sites. Camera-ready copies have been provided to County Extension Home Economists for use in a variety of programs. Ohio agents have reported collaborating with more than 30 agencies and organizations to distribute these materials. Additional fact sheets are being prepared for inclusion in the series.
11 pages., Article # 4FEA3, via online journal, Leadership development, service learning, place-based education, and economic revitalization are topics relevant to Extension. We performed an evaluation to determine whether a place-based leadership program in Clermont County, Ohio, helps students develop leadership skills and encourages their return to the community. Program evaluation data collected via a web-based survey indicated that 80% of youths planned to return to the area to live and work, an action that would contribute to revitalization of the community. Extension professionals can use findings from our evaluation as a basis for improving existing programs, structuring new youth leadership initiatives, and communicating the value of place-based youth leadership programs to stakeholders.
16 pages, via online journal, One of the nation’s most important industries, agriculture, has adopted social media to communicate with consumers and the public. At the same time, traditional news media remains important to the agriculture industry because many consumers still receive information about agriculture from sources such as newspapers and television. Little literature at the time of this study explored how social media is used specifically as a media relations tool. The purpose of this study is to examine how agricultural organizations in Ohio communicate via social media and how the messages could impact central Ohio traditional media outlets’ coverage of agricultural issues. The study is grounded in uses and gratifications theory, and previous social media studies. Data were collected from seven Ohio agricultural organizations’ Facebook pages and four central Ohio news outlets. Researchers found that Ohio agricultural commodity organizations use social media, but not necessarily to communicate with the news media. The industry received limited news coverage during the time studied, and we were unable to discern a relationship between social media and news media coverage beyond a commonality of stories. By communicating the results of this study with agricultural organizations and researchers, effective social media strategies can be developed to guide the future of social media as a media relations tool.
Inwood, Shoshanah (author), Becot, Florence (author), Bjornestad, Andrea (author), Henning-Smith, Carrie (author), Alberth, Andrew (author), and The Ohio State University
South Dakota State University
University of Minnesota
Online journal article
Publication Date:
United States: Extension Journal, Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 124 Document Number: D11230
7 pages, via online journal, A number of current events are exacerbating farm stress. Extension and farm organizations have mobilized responses to an emerging mental health crisis among farmers. To evaluate these responses, we conducted an online scan of resources to present a baseline typology of current mental health programs and response efforts in the 12-state Extension North Central Region. We classified responses by type of program, target audience, and delivery format. We identified the need to train mental health counselors and state suicide hotline responders on farm issues and farm culture.
18 pgs, Access to information and resources via the Internet is an increasingly vital dimension of contemporary life. However, there can be several impediments to optimal Internet utilization in the form of access, skills, and motivation. Even when access is available, several digital inequalities arise as citizens often lack the skills and motivations to pursue those vital uses through the Internet to the best of their advantage. Digital inequalities in the hills of the Appalachian area of Ohio are often manifested in terms of social, cultural and geographic divides. Not only do the hills block wireless signals and make cables expensive to install, but regional poverty also drives away telecom investment. We conducted a survey of Appalachian Ohio to explore digital inequity issues and the determinants of online participation for things that matter. Through a number of analyses, we explore how Internet access and digital skills impact online contribution to the community in terms of services and resources considered to be basic social needs: health, employment, education, and social media. These social needs, what we have called Vital Internet Use (VIU) can determine citizens’ political and civic participation, societal contribution, and overall benefit to their communities. Centered on the concepts of digital access, Internet skills, and benefit outcomes, we extend knowledge in this domain and propose a comprehensive framework of VIU.
11 pages, Diversifying a farm's production operations or marketing channels can boost income and raise farm survival rates. But are beginning and small-scale farmers inclined toward a strategy of diversification? We analyzed 578 attendee surveys from 10 years of an Extension workshop for new and small-scale farmers in Ohio. We investigated the farming profile of beginning and small-scale farmers, the degree to which they are interested in pursuing diversified farming, and whether these interests vary by gender. We found evidence that new and small-scale farmers are interested in alternatives to commodity grain farming, that these alternatives are associated with diversified farming systems, and that some specific diversification interests vary by gender.
Moser, Bob (author / Director, Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, Ohio State University)
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Wooster, OH : College of Agriculture, Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center,Ohio State University.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 87 Document Number: C05801
Paulson, Curtis E. (author) and Agunga, Robert (author)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 199 Document Number: D09814
NCR-90 Collection, Prepared for the NCR 90 Communication Research Annual meeting, The Ohio State University Agricultural Communication Programmatic Research Orientation. Madison, Wisconsin. 4 pages.
15 pages, Cover crops—crops grown primarily to protect and improve soil—are widely considered to be an important component of sustainable agricultural systems because their use can provide multiple ecosystem services without compromising yields over time. Specialty crops—fruits, vegetables, and horticultural crops—are increasingly important to US agriculture and food security and uniquely vulnerable to climate-related problems that cover crops can help to address. Yet far less research has been conducted on cover crop use by farmers who grow mainly specialty crops, compared to the much larger body of research on farmers who principally grow row crops like corn (Zea mays) and soybeans (Glycine max). In this study, we draw on survey data from a stratified, random sample of 881 specialty crop growers in Michigan and Ohio to accomplish two main goals. First, we seek to characterize cover crop use among this important group of farmers, focusing on types of cover crop used and use of multiple types. Second, we examine the relationship between cover crop use on vegetable and fruit farms and key social and economic factors, with particular attention to farmers’ environmental values, adherence to organic principles, and sources of information. According to survey results, cover cropping is more likely when farmers (1) manage certified organic (p < 0.01) or organic-in-practice (p < 0.05) farms; (2) report being influenced by private crop consultants (p < 0.01); (3) attach high importance to agri-environmental goals (p < 0.01); and (4) grow vegetable crops instead of or in addition to fruit crops (p < 0.001). No relationship was found to exist between cover cropping and farmers’ concerns about climate-related risks, education level, or perceived self-efficacy. We conclude by suggesting that the importance of structural factors to farmers’ decisions about cover crops should not be underestimated. Promoting and strengthening the market for organic food may be the most direct pathway toward increasing the number of farmers who use cover crops. Historically important entities in agricultural networks, including cooperative extension and conservation nongovernmental organizations, might enhance their impact on cover crop use by forming new partnerships with private crop consultants.
Whinnery, J. T. (author / Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Ohio State University) and Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Ohio State University
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 11 Document Number: B01516
Phase 1, See also ID B01501, In Chapman, C. A. (ed.), Taking Computers to the Community: Prospects and Perspectives, Proceedings from a Conference, January 12-13, 1978, Louisville, Kentucky, sponsored by University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service (pp. 191-199). Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky.
Whiting, Larry R. (author / Head, Information and Applied Communications, The Ohio State University, Columbus) and Head, Information and Applied Communications, The Ohio State University, Columbus
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 74 Document Number: C03625
James F. Evans Collection; AGRICOLA IND 89018376, The Extension Service historically has sought and used new communication methods and the author believes that the satellite television will have its era in Extension. Although the use of television in Extension is not new, economics, changes in FCC public service requirements, public television, and a smaller farming audience have forced much of the Extension programming off the air. The author cites seven reasons why the television renaissance may lead to an increased use of the medium by Extension. Dr. Whiting provides an overview of videotape and satellite video teleconferencing in Extension and details the Ohio State Extension experience with satellite video teleconferencing. The article concludes with 16 lessons learned by Ohio that can be helpful to others considering satellite video teleconferencing and asserts that there is a place for satellite and video technology in Extension youth and adult educational programs.
USA: Wooster, OH : College of Agriculture, Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 86 Document Number: C05593