Wilson, M.C. (author / USDA, Office of Cooperative Extension Work, Extension Studies) and USDA, Office of Cooperative Extension Work, Extension Studies
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 44 Document Number: B05359
James F. Evans Collection, Washington, D.C. : United States Department of Agriculture, 1926. 20 p. (Department Bulletin no. 1384), With a background of 10 years of cooperative extension work under the Smith-Lever Act, extension administrators and supervisors everywhere are seeking definite information upon which to base decisions affecting the future conduct of the work. Facts rather than opinions are needed. The field study reported in this bulletin was made by the Office of Cooperative Extension Work, in cooperation with the State extension services of Iowa, New York, Colorado, and California. Considerable light is thrown upon concrete problems concerning which extension leaders have long desired reliable information. The determination, in any adequate degree, of the results of extension teaching is a most complex matter. Only some of the most obvious results are here shown. It is hoped the present study mat be the basis for more comprehensive studies in the future. (original)