African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
311 p, "Consists of research notes and transcriptions of sources on indigenous peoples - focusing especially on caciques and communes - and on black slaves in the corregimiento of Loja. Drawn from notarial records, the Enrique Vacas Galindo collection, and the Archivo Nacional de Historia. Incorporates author's 'La trata de los negros en Loja.'"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.
261 p., Italian painter Agostino Brunias first traveled to the Caribbean sometime around 1770 in the employ of Sir William Young, First Baronet, a British aristocrat who had been charged with overseeing the sale of lands in the islands won by Britain from France at the end of the Seven Years War. Working primarily on the islands of Dominica and St. Vincent, as Young's official painter, Brunias was ostensibly charged with documenting the exotic bounty and diversity of the islands. For roughly the next quarter century, he painted for plantocrats and the colonial elite, creating romanticized tableaux that featured Caribbeans of color--so called "Red" and "Black" Caribs, dark-skinned Africans and Afro-Creoles, and people of mixed race. Examines how the artist's images reflected and refracted ideas about race commonly held by Britons in the colonial Caribbean during the late 18th century.