Provides information on the significance of the Underground Railroad, which carried slaves to freedom across the Rio Grande from Mexico. Overview of slavery in Mexico and Texas; Slave ownership in the United States; Demographic information on Texas; Informal network of transportation for the Black Seminoles and other Indians;
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
204 p., International adoptions are both high-profile and controversial, with the celebrity adoptions and critically acclaimed movies such as Casa de los babys of recent years increasing media coverage and influencing public opinion. Neither celebrating nor condemning cross-cultural adoption, the author considers the political symbolism of children in an examination of adoption and migration controversies in North America, Cuba, and Guatemala. The book tells the interrelated stories of Cuban children caught in Operation Peter Pan, adopted Black and Native American children who became icons in the Sixties, and Guatemalan children whose 'disappearance' today in transnational adoption networks echoes their fate during the country's brutal civil war. Drawing from extensive research as well as from her critical observations as an adoptive parent, the author aims to move adoption debates beyond the current dichotomy of 'imperialist kidnap' versus 'humanitarian rescue.'.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
317 p, Contents: English versions with some translations. A true and exact history of the island of Barbadoes (extract) / Richard Ligon -- The spectator, no. 11 / Richard Steele -- From The spectator, no. 11. The story of Inkle and Yarico / Frances Seymour -- An epistle from Yarico to Inkle, after he had sold her for a slave / Frances Seymour -- Yarico to Inkle, an epistle / William Pattison -- From The spectator, no. 11. The story of Inkel and Yarico / Anonymous -- Yarico to Inkle : an epistle / Anonymous -- From The spectator, no. 11. Avaro and Amanda , a poem in four canto's / Stephen Duck -- From The spectator, no. 11. Yarico's epistle to Inkle / John Winstanley -- Continuation of the story of Inkle and Yarico / Salomon Gessner -- Yarico to Inkle : an epistle / Edward Jerningham -- Epistle from Yarico to Inkle / Anonymous -- Yarico to Inkle / [Peter Pindar] -- Inkle and Yarico : an opera, in three acts / George Colman the Younger -- The American heroine : a pantomime in three acts / Jean-Francois Arnould-Mussot -- Yarico to Inkle / Charles James Fox -- Epistle from Yarico to Inkle (extract) / Anna Maria Porter
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
283 p, Contents: Reviving Caribs : indegeneity in Trinidad and Tobago and the dialectic of aboriginal presence and absence -- Canonizing the Carib : colonial political economy and indigeneity -- Placing the Carib : the first two resurgences and the "Gens d'Arime" in the nineteenth century -- Writing the Carib : debates on Trinidad indegeneity from the 1800s through the 1900s -- Nationalizing the Carib : the indigenous anchor of a state in search of a nation -- Reproducing the Carib locally : the social organization of indigenous representation in contemporary Trinidad and Tobago -- Representing the Carib : brokers, events, and traditions -- Globalizing the Carib : solidarity, legitimacy, and networked indegeneity -- Reeingineered indigeneity
Goldschmidt,Henry (Author) and McAlister,Elizabeth A. (Author)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
New York: Oxford University Press
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
338 p, Includes Elizabeth McAlister's "The; Jew in the Haitian imagination: a popular history of anti-Judaism and proto-racism"; John Burdick's "Catholic Afro mass and the dance of eurocentrism in Brazil"; and Kate Ramsey's "Legislating 'civilization' in postrevolutionary Haiti"