Van Kempen discusses the songs and traditions of the Saramaccan peoples of the Upper Suriname. The music and lyrics of the Saramaccans depicts the troubles the ethnic groups have experienced in the 1990s from transmigration ordered by the government, typically lamenting or singing the praises of their old African villages, and cursing Western engineers for the uprooting of their cultures.;
This paper reports on projections of the United Kingdom's ethnic group populations for 2001-2051. For the years 2001-2007 estimated fertility rates, survival probabilities, internal migration probabilities and international migration flows for 16 ethnic groups continue to change: the White British, White Irish and Black Caribbean groups experience the slowest growth and lose population share; the Other White and Mixed groups to experience relative increases in share; South Asian groups grow strongly as do the Chinese and Other Ethnic groups.
The purpose of the paper is to design and test a model which explains internal migration in Jamaica, based largely on the 1960 census. Suggests that urban migration was unrelated to the level of employment opportunities.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Journal Title Details:
p. 146 p.
O foco da pesquisa se dirige para uma rede de agrupamentos negros rurais e urbanos e para trajetórias individuais que indicam deslocamentos coletivos. A partir de trabalho de campo realizado em Conceição dos Caetanos foram levantadas várias comunidades negras rurais situadas entre o litoral e o sertão no Estado do Ceará: Água Preta, Goiabeiras e Lagoa do Ramo. Foram identificados alguns núcleos de migrantes que são originários dessas áreas e residem em Fortaleza. Há também notificação de movimentos migratórios para a região amazônica. Essa rede de parentesco abrange igualmente outras localidades que constituíram agrupamentos negros e marcaram as rotas dos velhos e dos antepassados dos núcleos citados. Essa movimentação aparece combinada com a permanência no agrupamento rural ou urbano. Portanto, este estudo põe em questão o papel da mobilidade territorial na formação da identidade. Para a reflexão do quadro atual, tem-se em vista a emergência das comunidades negras rurais em processo de reconhecimento como "remanescentes de quilombo."
Internal, indentured and regional migration were tightly interlinked in post-emancipation Martinique by both contemporary perceptions and migrant actions. Anticipating a flight from the estates, colonial elites were committed before emancipation to constructing a replacement workforce through immigration. Indentureship was therefore a reaction to a crisis of labour relations rather than of labour supply. Such schemes also stimulated regional movements, from marronage by indentured Africans and Asians to recruitment efforts in the British West Indies. Viewed together, the three faces of post-emancipation migration reveal the continuing tension between the colony's search for coerced labour and the migrants' assertions of agency. [abstract];
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
247 p., The Southern Caribbean was the last frontier in the Atlantic world and the most contested region in the Caribbean during the Age of Revolution. The three British colonies of Grenada, Trinidad and Demerera were characterized by insecurity and personified by the high mobility of people and ideas across empires; it was a part of the Caribbean that, more than any other region, provided an example of the liminal space of contested empires. Because of the multiculturalism inherent in this part of the world, as well as the undeveloped protean nature of the region, this was a place of shifting borderland communities and transient ideas, where women in motion and free people of color played a central role.
Bogotá, Colombiana: Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Bogotá, Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Departamento de Ciencia Política, Instituto Unidad de Investigaciones Jurídico-Sociales Gerardo Molina
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign