"Transgression and taboo which have a symbolic meaning in Caribbean societies are used in one of her short stories, “De sueur, de sucre et de sang” to articulate a social and feminist discourse. She uses the highly symbolic figure of the Nègre marron and ideology of marronnage to create a marronnage en abîme that has an aesthetic and ideological significance.
Internal, indentured and regional migration were tightly interlinked in post-emancipation Martinique by both contemporary perceptions and migrant actions. Anticipating a flight from the estates, colonial elites were committed before emancipation to constructing a replacement workforce through immigration. Indentureship was therefore a reaction to a crisis of labour relations rather than of labour supply. Such schemes also stimulated regional movements, from marronage by indentured Africans and Asians to recruitment efforts in the British West Indies. Viewed together, the three faces of post-emancipation migration reveal the continuing tension between the colony's search for coerced labour and the migrants' assertions of agency. [abstract];
Glissant,Edouard (Author) and Wing,Betsy (Translator)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
294 p., Tells of the quest by Mathieu Beluse to discover the lost history of his country, Martinique. This book tells of the love-hate relationship between the Longoue and Beluse families, whose ancestors were brought as slaves to Martinique.
Condé,Maryse (Author) and Philcox,Richard (Translator)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
216 p., Follows the history of a fictional African royal family through forced exile to the Caribbean and eventual emigration to the United States, setting up a provocative critique of multiculturalism and modern race relations. Explores the complex interplay between America and Africa, symbolized in the cultural and racial jumble of the Caribbean islands.