"Certainly, in the region, there has been substantial progress in the past 10 years or so," said Michel de Groulard, a senior programme advisor at UNAIDS's Caribbean office in Trinidad and Tobago.
Focuses on specific culturally and socially based gender issues that enhance HIV risk and complicate access to care and services for women and girls in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). Literature review and interviews with clinicians providing HIV care in the USVI were used to examine causative factors for the high HIV prevalence rates among USVI women.
The purpose of this study was to identify the ways in which urban Jamaican mothers influence their adolescent daughters' sexual beliefs and behaviors in order to incorporate them into the design of a family-based human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk reduction intervention program.
A qualitative study was conducted to characterize gay men in Barbados, their HIV risk, and the impact of stigma on their lives. The 2 main groups of gay men (“bougies” and “ghetto”) reflect social class and level of “outness” in broader society. Homophobia, stigma, and buggery (sodomy) laws increase their HIV vulnerability. The need for anti-discrimination legislation and tools for self-development were identified for gay men to realize their strengths, develop their self-worth, and protect themselves from HIV.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
143 p., Exploring the mechanisms and strategies used in different cultures across Hispano-America and the Caribbean to narrativise, represent and understand HIV/AIDS as a social and human phenomenon, this book examines a wide range of cultural, artistic and media texts, as well as issues of human phenomenology, to understand the ways in which HIV positive individuals make sense of their own lives, and of the ways in which the rest of society sees them.