11 p., This publication is Caribbean Export Development Agency’s contribution to the WTO/OECD Aid for Trade Case Story project as set out in the Call for Case Stories in July 2010
1. It reflects on the contribution of the Agency to export development and trade promotion on behalf of CARIFORUM States during the period 2008‐2010.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
47 p., US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) has been cited as having mature interagency processes and coordinating mechanisms, but as evidenced by the earthquakes that shook Haiti in January 2010, the challenges that SOUTHCOM faces require coordinated efforts from US government agencies, international partners, and nongovernmental and private organizations. This report (1) assesses the extent that SOUTHCOM exhibits key attributes that enhance and sustain collaboration with interagency and other stakeholders and (2) evaluates SOUTHCOM's approach for developing an organizational structure that facilitates interagency collaboration and positions the command to conduct a full range of missions.
The Sphere Project, "Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response," identifies the minimum standards to be attained in disaster response. From a human rights perspective and utilizing key indicators from the Sphere Project as benchmarks, this article reports on an assessment of the living conditions approximately 12 weeks after the earthquake in Parc Jean Marie Vincent, a spontaneous IDP camp in Port-au-Prince.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
30 p., The Haiti Economic Lift Program (HELP) Act of 2010 amended the Earned Import Allowance Program (EIAP), reducing the qualifying fabric requirement from three to two; and the amended Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement Act (now HOPE II) also mandated GAO to review the effectiveness of the EIAP and to look for potential improvements. GAO examined (1) the extent to which the program has been used, (2) how US government agencies implemented it, and (3) how the program could be improved.
[Barbara Lee]'s bill would establish a U.S.Caribbean educational exchange program for high school, undergraduate and graduate students, and scholars through the State Department. It would also enable the U.S. Agencjrfbr International Development (USAID) to develop a regional strategy to expand existing early education initiatives, and would allow both State Department and USAID to use public-private partnerships to implement the program.