Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 12 Document Number: D10399
2 pages., Via online. Statement endorsed by media participants at the Media Round Table Dialogue on Agriculture Investment in Ghana, September 13, 2017, in Accra, Ghana., Offering three recommendations to the government of Ghana, government agencies, civil society, development partners and donors for supporting a proactive media network.
29 pages., The use of mobile phones among stakeholders in Ghana in communication agricultural-related information is gaining ground. The findings show that farmers in the Ho West District of Ghana are beginning to adhere to the dictates of technology to enhance information delivery for their farming activities. The study shows factors such as level of education, income levels have a direct correlation to the use of the technology. Despite these, it is still the case that mobile penetration into agricultural communication is receiving attention from farmers.
Agriculture and Economic Development Analysis Division (author)
Research report
Publication Date:
Ghana: Food and Agriculture Oranization of the United Nations
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 204 Document Number: D12449
Journal Title Details:
2013 Report
173 pages., The synthesis report by FAO’s Monitoring African Food and Agricultural Policies (MAFAP) team, is the first ever attempt to systematically analyze agriculture and food security policies in several African countries, using common methodology over years. The report found that in the period between 2005 and 2010, the policy environment and performance of domestic markets depressed producer prices in the ten African countries analyzed, though the trend is improving. Most governments resorted to m arket and trade policies to protect consumers and keep food prices down in the reference period whilst budgetary transfers, were mainly been used to support producers. The report concludes that producer prices would improve significantly if inefficiencies in domestic value chains were eliminated through better targeted policies. These inefficiencies however seem to be increasing in all ten countries surveyed. The current MAFAP partner countries are: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mala wi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda.
Apentibadek, Norbert (author) and Koopman, Martine (author)
Publication Date:
The Netherlands: International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 149 Document Number: D10108
8 pages., Via Website., This learning brief describes the lessons learned in the ACDEP Rural Access to Information project. This project established a multimedia centre at the ACDEP Secretariat and five satellite information centres. The project explored the opportunities for knowledge sharing, communication and information exchange to accelerate community (health and agriculture) development programmes.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 141 Document Number: D06187
Pages 18-22 in L. Johnson, Alhassan WS Anthony V, and P. Rudelsheim (eds.), 2011, Agricultural Biotechnology in Africa: stewardship case studies. Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa., Emphasizes need for following standard operating procedures in data management and for communications among persons within agricultural research organizations.
10 pages, Low agricultural productivity remains one of the main factors influencing poverty and food insecurity among smallholder farmers in many developing countries. Among the key interventions assumed to influence agricultural productivity of smallholders is the provision of agricultural extension services to farmers. Access to agricultural extension however remains low in most developing countries thus slowing down agricultural productivity growth. This study therefore sought to determine the labor productivity effects of agricultural extension in northern Ghana using data from a cross-section of 300 smallholder farm households. The results of a binary probit model indicated that participation in agricultural extension increased with farming experience, farm size, access to irrigation and group membership but decreased with years of formal education and household size. Regression estimates of a labor productivity model revealed a positive and statistically significant relationship between agricultural extension and labor productivity. Also, labor productivity increased with farming experience, household income, access to irrigation, degree of specialization in production and the level of conventional inputs used per man-day of labor but decreased with participation in off-farm work. The authors recommend an increase in agricultural extension coverage to ensure that more farmers are reached with information on modern technologies to enhance their labor productivity. Furthermore, farmers need access to inputs such as seed and fertilizer to improve the productivity of labor.
Palloni, G. (author), Aker, J. (author), Gilligan, D. (author), Hidrobo, M. (author), and Ledlie, N. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 165 Document Number: D11668
26 pages., Paper presented at the 2018 conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), July 28-August 2, 2018, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada., Researchers assessed farmers' willingness to pay for a newly introduced digital nutrition-sensitive agricultural information service in Ghana, called Vodafone Farmers' Club (VFC). Findings suggested that farmers' willingness to pay for VFC service was high at low prices, then decreased rapidly as the price increased. Women had statistically lower willingness to pay than men, whether for agricultural information only or information involving both agriculture and nutrition.
Abstract and citation via UI Library Catalog subject term search/, Study revealed that what editors applaud as their contribution to the development of northern Ghana was simply publishing challenges of the North in their various media outlets. Media stories fell short of fulfilling the tenets of development journalism in order to enhance progress in deprived communities. It proposed the re-orientation of journalists to play development advocacy roles.