Two individuals who played vital roles during the Haitian Revolution are Dutty Boukman, the papaloa or voodoo priest, and Alexandre Petion, who fought side-by-side with Henri Christophe.
Two individuals who played vital roles during the Haitian Revolution are Dutty Boukman, the papaloa or voodoo priest, and Alexandre Petion, who fought side-by-side with Henri Christophe.
306 p., While it has long been assumed that schooling is integral to the construction of modern nation-states, surprisingly little is known about whether and how teachers actually go about transmitting national culture in the classroom. Relying on ethnographic research conducted in lycées on the French island of Martinique, including classroom observations, semi-structured interviews with teachers, informal interviews with school administrators and regional policymakers, and archival research, the author explores the ways in which history-geography teachers negotiate the construction of national and regional identities on an everyday basis, and in doing so become active participants in the formation of these identities within schools. The author finds that teachers in Martinique have long had significant influence over the implementation of national curricula.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
177 p, "Una de las paradojas reclacitrantes del Código Negro francés (1685) es que hasta hoy no ha sido traducido íntegramente a la lengua castellana.En tiempos de depreciación y agravio de los derechos humanos elementales (orientados ahora hacia las minorías étnicas y los migrantes),parece oportuno y hasta necesario dar a conocer algunos comentariosy apreciaciones críticas sobre este "¡sobervio ejemplar de perversidad!",donde los esclavos negros son considerados -con increíble cinismo- poco menos que bestias." (;
In farming professions, the question of training for care of the environment has to address the complex nature of the relationship between farming and the environment together with the objectives of professional training. Using the example of a farming task, maize weeding, the author points out the particularities of decision-making on a farm. The consequences for professional training are teaching in complexity and training for professional action. In this context, training for care of the environment can only be effectively incorporated into farming practices if training methods propose a pragmatic approach.