National Association of Farm Broadcasters Archives, University of Illinois. NAFB Publications Series No. 8/3/88. Box No. 4. Contact or Documentation Center
Tripp, Robert (author), Padre, Shree (author / Agricultural Research in Extenstion Network), Sudarshana (author), and Agricultural Research in Extension Network, United Kingdom
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 139 Document Number: C21063
AgREN Network Paper No. 128. 10 pages, Adike Pathrike is a monthly farm magazine catering to cash-crop growers in parts of Karnataka and Kerala. The magazine covers a wide range of crops (commercial and subsistence) and farm and houshold management themes. It is 15 years old, is self-supporting, and has established a unique niche for itself, based on a philosophy of farmer participation in the generation of information. This approach is expressed through an insistence on farmer verification of technologies described in the magazine, an adaptive and interative approach to technology, and encouragement of farmer-to-farmer communication, and a counterbalance to government and industry promotional campaigns.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 122 Document Number: D11137
10 pages., From author., Remarks at the memorial service for John Harvey, nationally respected and honored agricultural journalist and communicator. Former president of the American Agricultural Editors' Association.