African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
203 p, A collection of eleven articles published between 1970 and 1982. About folkloristic theory, sociolinguistics, ethnography of communication, symbolic interactionism, and symbolic anthropology of the creativity of the region. (JSTOR)
Abrahams,Roger D. (Editor) and Szwed, John F. (Editor)
Book, Edited
Publication Date:
New Haven: Yale University Press
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
444 P., A chronicle of the cultural relationships between African Americans and their African ancestors. The model of acculturation holds that the characteristics of plantation life in the New World were strongly influenced by African cultural and religious practices.
Alvarez,Sonia E. (Editor), Dagnino,Evelina (Editor), and Escobar,Arturo (Editor)
Book, Edited
Publication Date:
Boulder, CO: Westview Press
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Journal Title Details:
p. 459
Includes Black movements and the "politics of identity" in Brazil / Olivia maria Gomes da Cunha's "Black Movements and 'Politics of Identity' in Brazil"; and Libia Grueso, Carlos Rosero, Arturo Escobar Grueso's "The process of black community organizing in the southern Pacific coast region of Colombia"
Since July 4, 1991, a new constitution has allowed Colombians to exercise their citizenship by displaying cultural diversity rather than by concealing it as required by the previous political charter. Paradoxically, invisibility continues not only to impede full ethnic inclusion of Afro-Colombians but to aggravate ethnic asymmetries that, in turn, erode nonviolent coexistence among the black and Indian people who have shared portions of the Baudo River valley (Department of Choco) for at least 150 years.
The essay uses ethnographic studies to provide insights into the history and historiography of the African-Atlantic winter celebration known alternately as Jankunu, John Canoe, Jonkonnu, Junkanoo, or John Kuner, celebrated in English-speaking areas of the Caribbean and Central America. Some of the subjects include the festival's religious and/or secular nature, 19th century accounts of the festivals originally held by slaves, and similar West African festivals.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
183 P., To the extent that ideologies are historically necessary they have a validity which is 'psychological'; they 'organise' human masses, and create the terrain on which men move, acquire consciousness of their position, struggle, etc. To the extent that they are arbitrary they only create individual 'movements.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
190 p., Contributes to the understanding of ethnic, class, and gender relationships in the Caribbean, and it is notable for its emphasis on how individuals manipulate and manage social differences on a day-to-day basis. Using ideas of time as a lens through which to watch these divisions evolve, explores the implications of the existence of multiple models of time on social organization.
Borneman praises Evelyn Blackwood for using ethnographic evidence from Indonesia and the Caribbean to enter into debates on matrifocality and marriage. Borenman is less convinced, however, about the significance or her general advocacy claim about gender
Examines Zora Neale Hurston's work, particularly her collection of folklore and ethnography of the American South, "Mules and Men." Looks at the author's role, the ways the ethnographer inscribes herself into the text, and speculates about Hurston's understanding of the limits of the impersonal researcher.
Considers two kinds of connection between Leiris and the French Caribbean: that between his ideas on ethnography and Martinican Édouard Glissant's concept of Relation; and the impact that his encounter with the French Caribbean had on those ideas.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
240 p, It's the introduction that never became Afrocubana Culture, the work in four volumes that its author, Jorge Castellanos, wrote in collaboration with her daughter Isabel and Universal editions that given the stamp from 1988 to 1994.
Dassanowsky,Robert (Author) and Lehman,Jeffrey (Author)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
Detroit: Gale Group
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
3 vols., Essays on approximately 150 culture groups of the U.S., from Acadians to Yupiats, covering their history, acculturation and assimilation, family and community dynamics, language and religion. Contents: v. 1. Acadians-Garifuna Americans -- v. 2. Georgian Americans-Ojibwa -- v. 3. Oneidas-Yupiat;
Tegucigalpa: Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
351 p., Includes William V. Davidson's "Etnohistoria hondureña: la llegada de los garifunas a Honduras," "Geografía etno-histórica de los garifunas hondureños en la Laguna de Perlas, Nicaragua" and "Perdida definitiva de la costa? Abandono de las comunidades entre los garifunas hondureños."
Article is concerned with the relations of Afro-Latin Americans to modes of production (slavery, capitalism, socialism), economic institutions (the plantation, transnational corporations), economic development models, transnational relations, political systems, institutions, behavior, group and class relations (including class struggle), social mobility, and political mobilization.
Examines how a Caribbean thinker, Theophilus Scholes, used the figure of the "white Negro" to expose the linkages between ethnological preoccupation with black bodies and an imperial network of power that held implications for political equality.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
247 p., Related black communities claim different ethnoracial identities based in laws. Anthropologists widely agree that identities - even ethnic and racial ones - are socially constructed. This book shows how law can successfully serve as the impetus for the transformation of cultural practices and collective identity.
In this article, I analyse patterns of classifications and naming of African "nations" in colonial Cuba. Based on parish records, I suggest possible interpretations of African patterns of classification, identities and social arrangements during the formation of Cuban plantations over the course of the eighteenth century. I discuss some of the methodological implications that can be explored regarding marriages of enslaved people in Cuba based on ecclesiastical sources, chiefly in the case of Guanabacoa. I have furthered the social/demographic analysis of "nations" in Cuba, underscoring how Africans could have been the agents of networks and alliances through organizational strategies and the formation of identities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].
About a unique case of assimilation: the entry of descendants of nineteenth‐ and early‐twentieth‐century European immigrants to southern Brazil into Afro‐Brazilian religious groups, some as heads of their own centres. The discussion is placed within the framework of the contemporary multiculturalist debate over assimilation. The emigration of Europeans to rural southern Brazil is summarized. African slaves are shown to have been established ‐ with their syncretized Afro‐Catholic religions ‐ in the incipient urban centres. T
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Journal Title Details:
p. 570
"This dissertation explores the discursive and material practices that Afro-Antilleans in the Archipelago of Bocas del Toro (Panama) employ to craft and assert their identity for tourist consumption. In participating in the transnational circuits of tourism, Panamanian Afro-Antilleans stage a complex and subtle cultural politics vis-à-vis the state and Panama's multicultural society. The transnational process that is tourism produces rather than reduces difference. This production must be understood historically and with respect to national racial policies." (author)
Haiti (Author), Haiti. Bureau national d'ethnologie (Author), and Jay I. Kislak Reference Collection (Library of Congress)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
Port-au-Prince, Haïti: Bureau Nacional d' Ethnologie
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1 microfiche, A bulletin from the Haitian National Bureau of Ethnology, with studies on the following topics: prehispanic cultures from Haiti, the caribbean Conquest and popular religions. Includes bibliographical references and notes.
"The description of Negro family life in Bahia, Brazil, as given by E. F. Frazier is reviewed. The disintegration of African patterns held to have resulted from white contact, when analyzed in terms of aboriginal tribal family organization, particularly with reference to underlying sanctions, is found to exist to a very slight degree. The Afro-Bahian family manifests traits particular to it, but these are the results of accommodation to an acculturative situation, and are not a sign of demoralization." --The Author
"While plotting out the journeys that paved the way for their creative and innovative work in Afro-Cuban and African American ethnography, this study will address their bifocal vision as insider-outsiders within the minority cultures they represent in folktales and within the 'foreign' cultures to which they traveled. Cabrera's and Hurston's roles as 'native ethnographers' will also be considered. In creating alternatives to traditional ethnographies, such as Franz Boas's Bella Bella Tales (1932), their collections can be understood as early examples of experimental and feminist ethnography." (author)
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
294 P., First published in 1942 at the crest of her popularity, this is Zora Neale Hurston's unrestrained account of her rise from childhood poverty in the rural South to prominence among the leading artists and intellectuals of the Harlem Renaissance.