In 1795, Father Jose Agustin Caballero presented the first project for the creation of a system of public education for all the inhabitants of the island of Cuba. It was a visionary idea, but impossible to carry out at that time. The island was a colonial possession of the Spanish Crown, and most of the population was subjected to slavery or made up of Mestizos and freed blacks, the victims of segregation and racial discrimination.
Siss,Ahyas (Editor), Monteiro, Aloisio Jorge de Jesus (Editor), and Cupolillo,Amparo Villa (Editor)
Book, Edited
Publication Date:
Rio de Janeiro: Quartet : EDUR UFFRI
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
191 p., Prefácio / Célia Linhares -- Imprensa alternativa negra, movimento negro e educação brasileira / Ahyas Siss -- Memórias de educação indígena : os jesuítas na construção de uma escola para indios no Brasil / Aloísio Jorge de Jesus Monteiro, Andrea de Lima Ribeiro Sales -- Cultura e corporeidades : perspectivas na formação de professores / Aloísio Jorge de Jesus Monteiro, Amparo Villa Cupolillo, Martha Lenora Queiroz Cupolillo -- Formação interdisciplinar em contextos interculturais / Darci Secchi -- Cinco ideias equivocadas sobre os indios / José Ribamar Bessa Freire -- A Baixada Fluminense na mídia : um olhar do jovem negro / Leila Dupret -- O samba é o dom : notas sobre o samba como fato social total e a educação escolar / Maria Alice Rezende Gonçalves -- Diversidade etnicorracial e o acesso de negros na educação superior na produção científica em Mato Grosso do Sul / Eugenia Portela de Siqueira Marques, Mariluce Bittar -- Diversidade cultural na escola : um estudo sobre o processo de implementação da Lei Federal 10.639/03 no estado de Santa Catarina / Maria Aparecida Clemêncio ... [et al.] -- Mídia cinematográfica, educação e racismo / Roberto Carlos da Silva Borges.
In St. Vincent and the Grenadines universal secondary education, instituted by 2005, was one of the major pillars of the education revolution intended to propel social and economic advancement. A phased model of implementation was adopted. However, policy implementation required extensive support in critical areas such as physical infrastructural development, curriculum review and development, pedagogy, teacher training and the provision of resources. Implementation was fraught with challenges and the impact necessitated alternative interventions. At the same time, the process underscored the need for a holistic approach to unprecedented reform efforts if quality education is the desired goal.