Nomination form and submission materials for 2005 APA Illinois Chapter Annual Awards.
2005 Award Winner: Plan Implementation
2005 APA-IL Awards Program nomination form that is supposed to be found under "Tab A" missing, but other submission materials are included. "Palatine: On Track for the the Future" is the overall title of the submission piece.
Nomination form and submission materials for 2005 APA Illinois Chapter Annual Awards.
2005 APA-IL Awards Program nomination form and submission material attached.
Nomination form and submission materials for 2004 APA Illinois Chapter Annual Awards.
Attached is the ILAPA 2004 Awards Program nomination form and submission material. Within the Binder there are 5 sections: Timeline; Downtown Redevelopment Ad Hoc Committee - Phase II: Final Recommendations Report; Description & Map of Downtown Sub-Areas; Downtown TIF District Strategic Plan (adopted in 1998); and Final PowerPoint Presentation to the Village Board.
Nomination form and submission materials for 2004 APA Illinois Chapter Annual Awards.
2004 Award Honorable Mention: Planning Program, Project or Tool
Attached is the ILAPA nomination form and submission material as well as "Ordinance #4940" and "Ordinance #4937."
Nomination form and submission materials for 2004 APA Illinois Chapter Annual Awards.
Attached is the ILAPA 2004 Awards Program nomination form and submission material.
Nomination form and submission materials for 2003 APA Illinois Chapter Annual Awards.
Attached is the ILAPA 2003 Awards Program Nomination Form (nominator: John LaMotte).
Nomination form and submission materials for 2003 APA Illinois Chapter Annual Awards.
ILAPA 2003 Awards Program Nomination form (Nominator: Christopher Silver) and nomination material included.
Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen & Payne, Inc (author), Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. (author), Goodman Williams Group (author), Land Design Collaborative, Inc. (author), and City Of Naperville
Publication Date:
City Planning & Landscape Architecture Reference and Resource Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 7; Folder: 2
Nomination form and submission materials for 2001 APA Illinois Chapter Annual Awards.
2001 Award Honorable Mention: Plan
With the Downtown Plan is a letter from the American Planning Association that states that the City of Naperville was awarded an Honorable Mention Award in the Plan Category. (2001 Annual Awards)