African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
270 p, Contents: 1898 : hispanismo y guerra / Arcadio Díaz Quiñones -- 1898 : a new beginning or historical continuity / Reinhard R. Doerries -- American expansion : from Jeffersonianism to Wilsonianism / Ralph Dietl -- Columbus, the Spanish-Cuban-American War, and the advance of U.S. liberal capitalism in the Caribbean and Pacific region / Thomas Schoonover -- The German challenge to American hegemony in the Caribbean : the Venezuela crisis of 1902-03 / Ragnhild Fiebig-von Hase -- La crítica martiana del concepto del panamericanismo de James G. Blaine / Josef Opatrný -- Los trabajadores urbanos y la política colonial española en Cuba desde la Paz de Zanjón hasta la Guerra de Independencia (1878-1898) / Joan Casanovas Codina -- Cuba en el período intersecular : continuidad y cambio / Elena Hernández Sandoica -- The year 1898 in Puerto Rico : caesura, change, continuation? / Ute Guthunz -- Miles & more : 1898 and "caballeros líricos" : Luis Muñoz Rivera and José de Diego / Wolfgang Binder -- Fin de siglo en Colombia : la Guerra de los mil días y el contexto internacional / Thomas Fischer -- 1898 y Panamá : cesura, cambio o continuidad? / Alfredo Figueroa Navarro -- La inclusión de un estado caribeño en la doctrina de la "western hemisphere" : el caso de Haiti / Walther L. Bernecke
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
60 p., First International Symposium on Geology and Mineral Resources of the Cental and Southern African Subcontinent :; Lubumbashi, 15-25 August 1991 : abstracts = 1er Symposium international sur la géologie et les ressources minérales d'Afrique centrale et australe : résumés; Premier Symposium international sur la géologie et les ressources minérales d'Afrique centrale et australe :; résumés; 1er Symposium international sur la géologie et les ressources minérales d'Afrique centrale et australe :; résumés
According to McPherson, Spenser has gathered a remarkable international ensemble of scholars who collectively ask what the East-West Cold War meant in Latin America
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Papers presented at the conference organized by the European Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies held in 2005 in Sliema, Malta., 412 p., Includes Jogamaya Bayer's "Crossing the borders in Monica Ali's Brick lane and V.S. Naipaul's Half a life," Gen'ichiro Itakura's "Jewishness, goyishness, and blackness : Zadie Smith's The autograph man," and Lourdes López-Ropero's "The pleasures of slave food : the politics of creolization in Austin Clarke's Pigtails 'n breadfruit."