Rizzo examines how lawyers represent their clients in the twilight years of the Old Regime France. During this period, lawyers always depict their clients as more metropolitan than their opponent in order to render colonial "others" both more exotic and more accessible to readers and judges.;
Reads Carnival-related performances in relationship to the colonial and national histories of the circulation of Indian and black women's bodies in Trinidad and Tobago, asking what is at stake in these occupations of genre, form, and performative presence in the latest global scenes of late capitalism (where image and sound, as cultural productions, are always in circulation beyond the scope of the nation, and their own "original" referents).
"[Examines] le développement historique et socio-économique des Caraïbes dans le roman de Paule Marshall: The Chosen Place, The Timeless People (publié en 1963), à travers la relation de deux femmes, l'une noire, l'autre blanche, dont les destins et l'héritage sont liés à l'histoire particulière des relations de genre caractéristiques de l'esclavage et de la vie sur les plantations." (Refdoc.fr)
Colonial laws maintained the social and physical security of English settlements in the New World. This essay compares those laws that attempted to define and regulate servants and labour in seventeenth-century Virginia and Jamaica. The laws reveal differences in the social composition of their early populations and in the relationships each colony had with the imperial government. Earlier laws reflect a greater concern with the economic value of labour. In the last two decades, however, the laws defined new social constructs that would dominate slave laws in the next century. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT];
Proposes to examine the aftermath of the "Goudougoudou," as Haitians now call the earthquake of January 12, 2010, relating it to other events that have taxed Haitian resolve over the course of two centuries.
Part of the vision depicted in the novels Middle Passage and Mimic Men is that the image local history is the scenery and landscape. Expresses idea that colonization creates nothing. It is obvious in a place, thrives there then disappears.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
269 p., The Colonial Bank had been founded in 1836 to carry on business in the West Indies and British Guiana (now Guyana) and had been empowered by special acts of 1916–17 to conduct business anywhere in the world.