Rizzo examines how lawyers represent their clients in the twilight years of the Old Regime France. During this period, lawyers always depict their clients as more metropolitan than their opponent in order to render colonial "others" both more exotic and more accessible to readers and judges.;
Reads Carnival-related performances in relationship to the colonial and national histories of the circulation of Indian and black women's bodies in Trinidad and Tobago, asking what is at stake in these occupations of genre, form, and performative presence in the latest global scenes of late capitalism (where image and sound, as cultural productions, are always in circulation beyond the scope of the nation, and their own "original" referents).
"[Examines] le développement historique et socio-économique des Caraïbes dans le roman de Paule Marshall: The Chosen Place, The Timeless People (publié en 1963), à travers la relation de deux femmes, l'une noire, l'autre blanche, dont les destins et l'héritage sont liés à l'histoire particulière des relations de genre caractéristiques de l'esclavage et de la vie sur les plantations." (Refdoc.fr)
Colonial laws maintained the social and physical security of English settlements in the New World. This essay compares those laws that attempted to define and regulate servants and labour in seventeenth-century Virginia and Jamaica. The laws reveal differences in the social composition of their early populations and in the relationships each colony had with the imperial government. Earlier laws reflect a greater concern with the economic value of labour. In the last two decades, however, the laws defined new social constructs that would dominate slave laws in the next century. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT];
Proposes to examine the aftermath of the "Goudougoudou," as Haitians now call the earthquake of January 12, 2010, relating it to other events that have taxed Haitian resolve over the course of two centuries.
Part of the vision depicted in the novels Middle Passage and Mimic Men is that the image local history is the scenery and landscape. Expresses idea that colonization creates nothing. It is obvious in a place, thrives there then disappears.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
269 p., The Colonial Bank had been founded in 1836 to carry on business in the West Indies and British Guiana (now Guyana) and had been empowered by special acts of 1916–17 to conduct business anywhere in the world.
On Christmas Day 1521, in the Spanish colony of Santo Domingo, the first recorded slave revolt in the Americas occurred. A group of African, likely Wolof, slaves came together with native Indians led by the Taino cacique Enriquillo to assert their independence. Beyond being the first slave revolt in the Americas, it was also one of the most important moments in Colonial American history because it was the first known instance when Africans and Indians united against their Spanish overlords in the Americas.
Jamaican author (of European and African ancestry) H. G. De Lisser's novel the White Witch of Rosehall reflects arrogant European colonizing attitudes toward savage blacks in early 20th-century Jamaica
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
246 p., "This thesis, situated between literature, history and memory studies participates in the modern recovery of the long-obscured relations between Scotland and the Caribbean. I develop the suggestion that the Caribbean represents a forgotten 'lieu de mémoire' where Scotland might fruitfully 'displace' itself. Thus it examines texts from the Enlightenment to Romantic eras in their historical context and draws out their implications for modern national, multicultural, postcolonial concerns." --The Author
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
259 p, Includes Veronica Brady's "Arnold apple's son of Guyana. autobiography or fiction?," Sheila Roberts' "V.S. Naipaul's identity in fact and fiction," etc.
"En Martinique, lors des décennies qui précèdent l'abolition de l'esclavage, tous les groupes sociaux redoutent les sorts et les maléfices qui peuvent leur être jetés. Les colons ont peur des nègres empoisonneurs, les esclaves et les affranchis sont terrorisés par les pratiques magiques qui les menacent. Certes la religion catholique prétend protéger, mais lui est souvent préférée l'intervention d'un sorcier désenvouteur." (author)
Morgan,Gwenda Auteur (Author) and Rushton,Peter (Author)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
London: Blooomsbury
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
309 p., This book places banishment in the early Atlantic world in its legal, political and social context. Contents: Part one. Diverse patterns of banishment in Britain and Ireland --Part two. Continuity and change: British North America and the Caribbean.
Examines the impact of the Universal Negro Improvement League (UNIA) on the British colony of Bermuda where the majority black population was segregated and disenfranchised while white elites enjoyed total political and economic power. The efforts of UNIA leaders like Marcus Garvey made UNIA a global organization and strongly influenced Caribbean regional politics. Attention is given to the impact of tourism which became Bermuda's primary industry in the 1920s when blacks were evicted from their homes to make room for white resorts.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
150 p, Contents: 1. The Significance of African and Indigenous Peoples' Contacts in the Americas -- 2. New Identities, New Alliances -- 3. The Promised Island: Andros, Bahamas -- 4. "We Reach": Bahamaland -- 5. De People Dem: Black Seminoles in the "Land behind God's Back" -- 6. Bahamian Black Seminole Identity -- 7. The Meaning of Heritage -- 8. Conclusion
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1 microfiche, Deep river, by M. M. Fisher.--The attitude of the free Negro toward African colonization, by L. Mehlinger.--Pan-Negro nationalism in the New World, before 1862, by H. R. Lynch.--The relations and duties of free colored men in America to Africa, by A. Crummell.--A project for an expedition of adventure to the eastern coast of Africa, by M. R. Delany.--The call of providence to the descendants of Africa in America, by E. W. Blyden.--Bishop Turner's African dream, by E. S. Redkey.--Alfred Charles Sam and an African return: a case study in Negro despair, by W. Bittle and G. Geis.--Booker T. Washington and the white man's burden, by L. Harlan.--DuBois and pan-Africa, by R. B. Moore.--Black Moses: Marcus Garvey and Garveyism, by E. D. Cronon.--Hide my face? The literary renaissance, by St. Clair Drake.--Notes on Negro American influences on the emergence of African nationalism, by G. Shepperson.--Something new out of Africa, by H. R. Isaacs.--Africa-conscious Harlem, by R. B. Moore.--Malcolm X: an international man, by R. M. and E. U. Essien-Udom.--Black power and colonialism, by J. Lester.
Fanon,Frantz (Author) and Charles Lam Markmann (Translator)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
New York: Grove Press
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Translation of Peau noire, masques blancs., 232 p, "Fanon, born in Martinique and educated in France, is generally regarded as the leading anti-colonial thinker of the 20th century. His first book is an analysis of the impact of colonial subjugation on the black psyche. It is a very personal account of Fanon's experience being black: as a man, an intellectual, and a party to a French education." (Adapted from wikipedia.org)
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
326 p., Part of a series listing materials on the history of North America and the Caribbean from 1492 to 1815. Organized thematically, the book covers, among many other topics, exploration and colonization; maritime history; environment; Native Americans; race, gender, and ethnicity; migration; labor and class; business; families; religion; material culture; science; education; politics; and military affairs.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
257 p., Chronicles the lived experience of race relations in northern coastal Peru during the colonial era. Rachel Sarah O'Toole examines the construction of a casta (caste) system under the Spanish government, and how this system was negotiated and employed by Andeans and Africans.
Burlington, Ont.: TannerRitchie Pub. in collaboration with the Library and Information Services of the University of St. Andrews
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Other Titles: America and West Indies, 1699. Originally published in print: London : Printed for H.M.S.O., by Mackie and Co., 1908., 1 online resource., This book discusses the original state paper of the British colonies; Editors: [v. 1-10] W.N. Sainsbury (with J.W. Fortescue, [v. 10])-- [v. 11-16] J.W. Fortescue.-- [v. 17-] Cecil Headlam (with A.P. Newton, [v. 38-])./ Eastern series continued in the calendars published by the India office
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Journal Title Details:
p. 233 P.
This diverse and challenging collection of critical appraisals of Caribbean women fiction writers meets the urgent need for detailed critical analysis in this rapidly expanding field of interest. It includes an extensive bibliography both of relevant criticism and of Caribbean women writers and their fiction list by area.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
263 p., Analyzing pamphlets, newspapers, estate papers, trial transcripts, and missionary correspondence, this book recovers stories of ordinary Caribbean people, enslaved and free, as they made places for themselves in the empire and the Atlantic world, from the time of sugar tycoon Simon Taylor to the perspective of Samuel Ringgold Ward, African American eyewitness to the 1865 Morant Bay rebellion.
Proposes that civilizational analysis has yet to fully address the colonial legacy and, to clarify the stakes at play, compares and contrasts the historical sociology of CLR James with the mytho-poetics of Derek Walcott. Both authors, in different ways, have attempted to endow that quintessentially un-civilizable body -- the New World slave -- with subjecthood.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
306 p., Weather-induced environmental crises and slow responses from imperial authorities, Johnson argues, played an inextricable and, until now, largely unacknowledged role in the rise of revolutionary sentiments in the 18th century Caribbean.
Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1953-1958.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2 v., "It includes what is probably the most reliable version of the Laws of Burgos in print (the comparable text of the New Laws appears, however, only in fragmentary form). It fills lacunae in the details of imperial policies for encomienda, native labor, slavery, cacicazgos, and ethnosocial relationships, especially of the latter sixteenth century." --Charles Gibson (JSTOR)
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
144 p., This book is a milestone achievement in the documentation of the newspapers of the British Caribbean islands, a field that, until now, has been neglected by many scholars. The existing and bygone papers, and several commonly unknown publications, listed in this work provide a wealth of information about these obscure times. No other work, before this one, has been as extensive in its documentation and coverage of the individual papers. Of special assistance is the index, which completes the work. This bibliography seeks to determine the extent of newspaper publications in the British Caribbean colonies and to organize it into a useful form. In the past, researchers have either ignored or given brief and scattered coverage to this information, but with Colonial British Caribbean Newspapers, Pactor hopes to make this information available to scholars. His book lists information about the known newspapers of the British Colonial Caribbean, arranged alphabetically by colony and chronologically within each colony. Dates of publications and names of editors, publishers, and owners are given, if known. The newspapers are also listed in an index. It is hoped that a work of this sort may make access to these newspapers easier for scholarly research and call attention to the need to find and preserve these fragile resources. Historians, sociologists, and mass communication scholars will be especially appreciative of Pactor's efforts.
iscusses the interpretations of both contemporaries and historians on the amendment presented by Jean Francois Reubell on 15 May 1791 which gave civil and political rights to free men of color living on Santo Domingo
Williams,Patrick (Author) and Chrisman,Laura (Author)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
New York: Columbia University Press
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
570 p, Includes an Aime Cesaire excerpt "from Discourse on colonialism," Stuart Hall's "Cultural identity and diaspora," and Paul Gilroy's "Urban social movements, 'race' and community"
Examines changing relations of accumulation taking shape in the garment export industry in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Draws upon a framework called "the coloniality of power" to consider the reworking of the social and spatial boundaries between hyper-exploited wage work and the people and places cast out from its relations.
This paper reports on the first stage of a research project that analyses the changing social composition of Kingston during and after the period of constitutional decolonisation (1938-1962). Here, an overview of the city's development under colonialism is presented, before assessing in greater detail the residential pattern of Kingston during the early 1940s. An index of dissimilarity and an index of social isolation are used to quantify the social and spatial segregation of racial and ethnic groups in the capital city on the eve of adult suffrage, which was achieved in 1944. The conclusion assesses the impact of this segregation on the contemporary urban landscape. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT];
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
310 p, A revolt by black slaves in 1802 Dominica, a British island in the West Indies. As he awaits trial, Jack, the novel's hero, reflects on his life as a slave in Africa and the Caribbean
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
310 p., Explores aboriginal and Creole identities in Guyanese society. Reveals how Creoles, though unable to usurp the place of aboriginals as First Peoples in the New World, nonetheless managed to introduce a new, more socially viable definition of belonging, through labor. The very reason for bringing enslaved and indentured workers into Caribbean labor became the organizing principle for Creoles' new identities.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
442 p., Once the lucrative European colony in the Caribbean, Haiti has become one of the divided and impoverished countries in the world. This title analyzes how and why President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's enemies in Haiti, the US and France instigated a second coup in 2004 to remove Aristide and a mobilization known as Lavalas for good.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
282 p., Prior tO 1640, When the Regular Slave Trade to New Spain ended, colonial Mexico was the second largest importer of slaves in the Americas. Even so, slavery never supplanted indigenous labor in the colony, and by the second half of the 17th century there were more free Afromexicans than slaves in Mexico.
Environmental determinism was not universally accepted at the end of the 19th century, but it was a useful philosophy for the men of the British Colonial Office who controlled the Crown's Caribbean colonies
"Alexander Bedward, minister of the revivalist Jamaica Native Baptist Free Church during the period 1889-1921, emerged as one of the island's earliest black nationalists. Under the guise of religion Bedward called on the black majority to rise up and take action against the prevailing system of racial discrimination, socio-economic deprivation, injustice, the tyranny of minority colonial rule, and to establish a government representative of the people. While he was revered by the masses, attracting thousands of followers at home and abroad, he was feared by the upper classes and colonial authorities, who saw him as a threat to political stability. An antagonistic relationship developed between the government and Bedward. Eventually, he was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to the lunatic asylum, where he later died." (publication abstract);
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
339 p., Study of the development of education in the British West Indian colonies during the last half of the nineteenth century. Examines the educational policies and curriculum used in schools following the abolition of slavery. During this period the nature and development of the educational system in the region was profoundly affected by the decline of the sugar industry, the emergence of black and colored middle classes and the threat they posed to the ruling white elite, and the institutionalization of cultural divisions between the black and white populations.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Originally published: London, J. Cape, 1937., 398 p, When the British Parliament in 1833 freed the slaves, it provided for a transitional period of apprenticeship for the liberated negroes. This monograph shows details how this plan was worked out, especially in Jamaica, where Governor and Assembly were on bad terms, the planters were often harsh and the negroes turbulent, and the Special magistrates imported to supervise the scheme were not always equal to their task.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
306 p., This dissertation concentrates on the relationship between law, literature, and slavery in the Hispanic Caribbean of the Early Modern Period. The analysis is based on two letters and a treatise, Resolución sobre la libertad de los negros y sus originarios, en estado de paganos y después ya cristianos (1681), that were written by Capuchin friar Francisco José de Jaca, while he was serving as a missionary in the Caribbean region. His writings set the stage for a discussion of how Spanish hegemonic legal thinking is challenged and redefined from an alternative transatlantic narrative.
Benjamin,Russell (Editor) and Hall,Gregory Otha (Editor)
Book, Edited
Publication Date:
Lanham, MD: University Press of America
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
211 p., Argues that the colonialism beginning in the 15th century never ended, but rather developed different forms over time. The scope of their work examines eternal colonialism in both American and international contexts. Includes Brad Bullock and Sabita Manian's "Globalization's gendered consequences for the Caribbean."
Reviews several books about Cuban history. The Social Transformation of Eighteenth-Century Cuba, by Sherry Johnson; Winds of Change: Hurricanes and the Transformation of Nineteenth-Century Cuba, by Louis A. Pérez Jr; Wizards and Scientists: Explorations in Afro-Cuban Modernity and Tradition, by Stephan Palmié; Espacios, Silencios Y Los Sentidos De La Libertad: Cuba Entre 1878 Y 1912, edited by Fernando Martínez Heredia, Rebecca J. Scott and Orlando F. García Martínez.;
Presented at the First International Conference on the History of Urban and Regional Planning, Bedford College, London, September 14-18, 1977. Author's full name: Anthony D. King
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
280 p, Contents: Introduction: Family, Frontier, and the Colonization of the Americas --; Indians, Portuguese, and Mamelucos: The Sixteenth-Century Colonization of Sao Vicente --; Town, Kingdom, and Wilderness --; The Origins of Social Class --; Families of Planters --; Families of Peasants --; Families of Slaves --; Conclusion: Family and Frontier at Independence --; Town of Santana de Parnaiba --; Sao Vicente in the Age of the Bandeiras --; Sao Paulo and the Gold Rush --; Towns of Colonial Sao Paulo --; Population of Principal Towns of Sao Vicente, 1676 --; Deaths among Social Groups, Parish of Aracariguama, 1720-1731 --; Two Agricultural Economies: Income from Crops by Class of Farmer, 1798 --; Landownership by Class of Farmer, 1775 --; The Town Center in 1798 --; Race and Class in Parnaiba, 1820 --; Division of Mariana Pais's Estate, 1740 --; Composition of Planter Family Estates, Eighteenth Century --; Settlement Patterns of the Descendants of the Original Founders of Parnaiba --; Settlement Patterns of the Descendants of Mariana Pais, Great-Great-Granddaughter of the Original Founders of Parnaiba --; The Planters of Parnaiba --; Land Use Patterns of the Peasantry, 1775 --; Godparents of Peasant Children --; Households Headed by Men and Women, Peasant Population, 1820 --; Urban and Rural Family Structure, Peasant Population, 1820 --; Female-headed Households, Peasant Population, 1775 and 1820 --; African and Creole Slaves, 1820 --; Crude Marriage Rates, Slave and Free Populations --; Slave Marriages, Santana Parish, 1726-1820 --; Slave Families on Three Large Estates, 1740s
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
271 p., Investigates the impact of American literature and culture upon the Anglophone Caribbean during and following the Second World War. Traditional inquiries involving this era usually render the Caribbean in colonial and/or post-colonial contexts; this dissertation instead looks to understand alternative variables, especially the widespread affiliations with U.S. culture made by emergent Caribbean writers from the so-called “Windrush Generation” that were exposed to American soldiers serving overseas. Contents: C.L.R. James -- V.S. Naipaul -- Sylvia Wynter -- George Lamming.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Journal Title Details:
p. 272
Includes Explaining Dutch abolition / Gert Oostindie -- Long goodbye : Dutch capitalism and antislavery in comparative perspective / Seymour Drescher -- Dutch case of antislavery : Late abolitions and élitist abolitionism / Maarten Kuitenbrouwer -- Dutch antislavery attitudes in a decline-ridden society, 1750-1815 / Angelie Sens -- Economic explanation of the late abolition of slavery in Suriname / Edwin Horlings -- Suriname and the abolition of slavery / Alex van Stipriaan -- Same old song? : perspectives on slavery and slaves in Suriname and Curac̦ao / Gert Oostindie -- Abolitionism, the Batavian Republic, the British, and the Cape Colony / Robert Ross -- Slavery and the Dutch in Southeast Asia / Gerrit J. Knaap -- Ideology of free labor and Dutch colonial policy, 1830-1870 / Pieter C. Emmer -- Emancipations in comparative perspective : a long and wide view / Stanley L. Engerman.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2 vols., Excerpt from Five Years' Residence in the West Indies, Vol. 1:
I Should have dedicated this work to one of the kindest men and best Governors that the West Indies ever had ... but that his Excellency was afraid of my truthful revelations. He had seen, and heard read, parts of my MS., and had observed, "I am sorry to say that what you have written is but too true; yet at home they are not aware of it, though it deserves to be made known to all England; but, there, it will not be believed." Why not believed? - because Policy, not Truth, governs the world; and the West Indies in particular; so we have all but given up these magnificent islands to the barbarian, to lapse once more into a mere lair for the negro - not to the aboriginal inhabitant, but to a savage ten times worse, brought four thousand miles to repress the civilization which otherwise might, by a possibility, have flourished there. "The Ethiop cannot change his skin, nor the white man amalgamate with the black."
Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
352 p., In the first half of the 19th century, the safeguarding of the health of the enslaved workers became a central concern for plantation owners and colonial administrators in the Danish West Indies. This title explores the health conditions of the enslaved workers and the health policies initiated by planters and the colonial government.