Hoffmann, Volker (author), Contreras Arias, Carolina (author), Holle, David (author), White, Douglas (author), Peters, Michael (author), and Burkhart, Stefan (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 178 Document Number: C30732
Presented at Tropentag 2010, Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development, Zurich, Switzerland, September 14-16, 2010. 1 page.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 11 Document Number: B01480
AgComm Teaching, see also IDB01478, In mass communication and the development of nations (ppII-1-II-11) East Lansing, Michigan: International Communication Institute, Michigan State University
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
526 p, "This dissertation is about musical meaning, specifically referring to the musical practices of black people in Colombia's southern Pacific coast which are imbricated within a number of different systems of meaning. It begins by examining the ritual, social, and spatial uses of music in the Pacific, before pulling apart this cluster of practices to reveal a web of rival forms of sociality and overlapping belief systems from which modern Pacific music originated."
Colombia: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Participation Programme
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 135 Document Number: C20632
Burton Swanson Collection, 226 pages, Partcipation, Report no. 86.7, Translated from the original Spanish text "Estado y Ejido en Mexico : el caso del Credito Rural en La Laguna"
Marable,Manning (Author) and Agard-Jones,Vanessa (Author)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
366 p, Includes Brian Meeks's "Reinventing the Jamaican political system"; Joseph Jordan's "Afro-Colombia: a case for pan-African analysis"; Ricardo Rene Laremont and Lisa Yun's "Mutual inspiration: radicals in transnational space: The Havana AfroCubano movement and the Harlem Renaissance: the role of the intellectual in the formation of racial and national identity"; and Asale Angel-Ajani's "Out of chaos: Afro-Colombian peace communities and the realities of war";
El artículo sostiene que la ideología nacionalista de armonía e igualdad racial -lo que los académicos contemporáneos han llamado el "mito de democracia racial"- surgió durante las guerras anticoloniales hispanoamericanas de principios del siglo XIX. Factores como la participación de los negros y mulatos en el ejército patriota, el miedo de la elite a la guerra de razas y la poderosa ideología nacionalista que surgió durante las guerras, llevaron a que las nuevas naciones hispanoamericanas "resolvieran" sus conflictos raciales con la creación de un mito nacionalista de armonía e igualdad racial. Este artículo examina el lado intelectual e ideológico de este proceso. A lo largo del texto la autora narra cómo en las Cortes Constitucionales de Cádiz se negó la ciudadanía a los afro-descendientes y cómo, como resultado de estos debates y de la movilización de patriotas negros y mulatos, el discurso patriota empezó a equiparar los derechos de los pardos con la lucha en contra del sistema colonial y el patriotismo con la armonía racial. Es así como se forja una nueva y poderosa ideología nacionalista que afectará las relaciones raciales de los próximos dos siglos. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR];
Fernandez, Fernando (author) and Leader, Training and Communication, CIAT, Cali, Colombia
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 129 Document Number: C19268
Burton Swanson Collection, In: Strategies for agricultural education in developing countries : Agricultural Education Conference I. 1974 October 15. [New York] : Rockefeller Foundation, 1974. p. 331-358
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
210 p., Contents: Carlos Arturo Truque: Colombia a corazón abierto / Sonia Nadezhda Truque -- La vocación y el medio: historia de un escritor / Carlos Arturo Truque -- Vivan los compañeros -- Granizada -- La noche de San Silvestre -- Sangre en el llano -- El día que terminó el verano -- Sonatina para dos tambores -- La fuga -- La diana -- El encuentro -- Fucú -- El misterio -- Martín encuentra dos razones -- Dos hombres -- Porque así era la gente -- La aventura de tío conejo -- La muerte tuvo cara y sello -- José dolores arregla un asunto -- Lo triste de vivir así -- El collar -- Las gafas oscuras -- De cómo Jim empezó a olvidar -- Puntales para mi casa -- La otra oportunidad -- El pigüita -- Longinos.
In Colombia, armed conflict, exacerbated by the war on drugs and the effects of neoliberal economic policies, has forced Afro-Colombian communities in the Chocó region off their land. The author studies the lyrics of a collection of vallenato songs that affirm the identity of the displaced of Chocó and help create solidarity and consciousness about their struggle. She explains the ideological roots of the armed conflict between the state military, the guerilla groups, and the paramilitary units of Colombia. She also describes the displacement she believes is caused by specific economic development projects resulting from 21st-century free-trade agreements between North America and Colombia. She analyzes how the villanato songs bring visibility to an otherwise invisible group of displaced peoples.